【判断题】 单结点力矩分配法得到近似解。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 在力矩分配法中,相邻的结点不能同时放松。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 在力矩分配法中反复进行力矩分配及传递,结点不平衡力矩愈来愈小,主要是因为()。
①  分配系数及传递系数1
②  分配系数1
③  传递系数=1/2
④  传递系数1
【单选题】 在力矩分配法中,分配与同一结点的杆端弯矩之和与结点不平衡力矩大小相等,方向相同。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 在力矩分配法中,分配与同一结点的杆端弯矩之和与结点不平衡力矩大小相等,方向相同。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 单结点结构的力矩分配法计算结果是精确的。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 力矩分配法就是按分配系数分配结点不平衡力矩到各杆端的一种方法。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 在多结点结构的力矩分配法计算中,可以同时放松所有不相邻的结点以加速收敛速度。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 用力矩分配法计算时,放松结点的顺序()。
①  对计算和计算结果无影响
②  对计算和计算结果有影响
③  对计算无影响
④  对计算有影响,而对计算结果无影响
【单选题】 在力矩分配法的计算中,当放松某个结点时,其余结点所处状态为()。
①  全部放松
②  必须全部锁紧
③  相邻结点放松
④  相邻结点锁紧
【单选题】 She stumbled and _____ the coffee.
①  spoiled
②  spilled
③  poured
④  splashed B
【单选题】 Nobody knows his _____ for helping us.
①  motive
②  motion
③  mood
④  moral
【单选题】 Communication between a young couple is a(n) _____business.
①  sharp
②  dreadful
③  intense
④  delicate
【单选题】 To _____ these two ideas is impossible, they are too different.
①  match
②  bond
③  reconcile
④  compromise
【单选题】 All of the plants now farmed on a large scale were developed from plants _____wild.
①  that once grew
②  once they grow
③  they once grow
④  once grew
【单选题】 Our boss, Mr. Thompson, _____a raise in salary for ages but noting has happened yet.
①  was promising
②  has been promising
③  promised
④  has promised
【单选题】 Advertising media like direct mail, radio, television and newspapers _____to increase the sales of industrial products.
①  have been used
②  will be used
③  is being used
④  has been used
【单选题】 Most importantly, such an experience helps _____a heightened sensitivity to other culture’s and will bring about a greater appreciation of one’s own culture as well.
①  coach
②  forsake
③  foster
④  censor
【单选题】 To make this _____clear we shall have to look closely into biology’s long history.
①  distinction
②  indication
③  recognition
④  constitution
【单选题】 Our civilization cannot be thought of as _____in a short period of time.
①  to have been created
②  to be created
③  having been created
④  being created