【单选题】 有机磷农药中毒使用阿托品化时,下列哪项未达到阿托品化指标
①  口干、皮肤干燥
②  颜面部苍白
③  心率加快
④  瞳孔较前明显散大
【单选题】 有机磷农药中毒主要引起(?)
①  肝损伤?
②  肾损伤
③  骨骼损伤
④  神经系统损伤
【判断题】 有机磷中毒可使瞳孔括约肌舒张,瞳孔缩小
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 有机磷农药中毒的机制是有机磷抑制了
①  胆碱酯酶
②  糜蛋白酶
③  乳酸脱氢酶
④  细胞色素氧化酶
⑤  酪氨酸脱氢酶
【单选题】 有机磷农药中毒的烟碱样症状是
①  多汗
②  肌束颤动
③  瞳孔缩小
④  支气管痉挛
【判断题】 阿托品通过阻断M受体,可解除有机磷农药中毒的M样作用。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 有机磷农药中毒主要毒作用机制为()
①  抑制胆碱酯酶活性
②  肝损伤
③  肾损伤
④  血液毒
【单选题】 有机磷农药中毒时的处理方法错误的是 ( )
①  将患者移出中毒现场
②  经口中毒者应抽出胃液和毒物并反复洗胃
③  及早使用抗胆碱酯酶药
④  及早足量使用atropine
⑤  肌注氯解磷定
【单选题】 有机磷中毒主要机制
①  胆碱酯酶活性抑制
②  破坏线粒体膜完整性
③  有机磷改变线粒体呼吸链过程酶的活性
④  线粒体依赖的细胞凋亡
⑤  有机磷增加线粒体中的钙
【单选题】 有机磷农药中毒时,下列哪种酶受到抑制
①  己糖激酶
②  胆碱酯酶
③  含巯基的酶
④  乳酸脱氢酶
【多选题】 _____________ , he had to stay at home to look after her.
①  His mother being ill
②  His mother ill
③  Although his mother was ill
④  As his mother was ill
【单选题】 I must____________ you that if you do this again you will be punished.
①  waste
②  worry
③  warn
④  weep
【单选题】 Of course she ___________ what youve done.
①  is pround of
②  finds a way
③  takes off
④  fights for
【单选题】 Ted: I’m very sorry for stepping on your foot.Chark: __________ It’s very crowded on the bus.
①  Don’t worry.
②  Thats all right.
③  Im fine.
④  Take it easy.
【单选题】 The diplomat to____________ I spoke is my best friend.
①  which
②  when
③  who
④  whom
【单选题】 Sally: You look great in this red dress! Jennifer: __________
①  No, its not. Yours looks better.
②  No, I dont like it very much.
③  I quite agree with you.
④  Thank you. Its my favorite.
【单选题】 Well, goodbye. I____________ our conversation very much.
①  enjoy
②  enlarge
③  enlighten
④  enable
【单选题】 Tom and Mary ___________ each other.
①  keep apart
②  are in love with
③  none other than
④  in a whisper
【判断题】 答题说明:句子没有语法错误请选择“正确”,有语法错误请选择“错误”This old man was none other than the medical officer what had given Jim the health check.
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 He is getting on in yearsand we shouldnt let him do such heavy work.划线部分应该翻译成“年事已高”
①  正确
②  错误