I_____________ that she is over forty.
【单选题】 —Look, someone is coming. Guess who it ___ be?—I think it ___ be Tom.—I don’t think it ___ be ___.
①  ?must; can; must; his
②  ?may; can; must; him
③  ?can; must; can; him
④  ?might; must; can; himself
【单选题】 Look,someone is coming. Guess who it_________be?I think it______be Tom.I dont think it______be_______.
①  must;can;must;his
②  may;can;must;him
③  can;must;can;him
④  might;must;can;himself
【单选题】 6. –Look, someone is coming. Guess who it _____ be?–I think it _____ be Tom.–I don’tthink it _____ be _____.
①  must; can; must; his
②  may; can; must; him
③  must; can; him
④  might; must; can; himself
【单选题】 My cousin Nancy is often in a poisonous mood; I suppose it’s because she is _____child.
①  one
②  a lone
③  a single
④  an only
【单选题】 19. — You cant finish the book in less than an hour,I suppose? —
①  Yes,ImsureIcan
②  No,hardly
③  Sorry,Icant
④  IdontthinkIcan
【单选题】 She put an extra blanket over the baby for fear that ____.
①  he catches cold
②  he should catch cold
③  he caught cold
④  he be catching cold
【单选题】 She put an extra blanket over the baby for fear that _____.
①  he catches cold
②  he should catch cold
③  he caught cold
④  he be catching cold
【单选题】 It is ____ with the customer not to let the shop assistants guess what she really likes and wants until the last moment.
①  in her honor
②  on her honor
③  a point of honor
④  an honor
【单选题】 It is _____ with the customer not to let the shop assistants guess what she really likes and wants until the last moment.
①  in her honor
②  on her honor
③  a point of honor
④  an honor
【单选题】 By the time she is 50 years old, she _____ an inmate of the prison for over half of her life.
①  would be
②  would have been
③  will have been
④  will be
【判断题】 与感觉型读者交流侧重于提供具体的事实依据。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 求职信就是我们写给招聘方的信函。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 内向型读者更喜欢书面沟通,外向型读者偏爱口头表达。
①  正确
②  错误
【多选题】 写作的微观检查一般集中在哪些方面
【多选题】 电子邮件会议的优点有哪些
①  提高参与度
②  信息散步速度快
③  减少文件的传送时间
④  促进跨级的沟通
【多选题】 以下属于管理沟通策略的是
①  沟通者策略
②  沟通对象策略
③  信息策略
④  渠道选择策略
【多选题】 写作的宏观问题一般包括哪些方面
①  标题
②  中心句
③  过渡词
④  空白
【多选题】 管理沟通中的错误有哪些
①  假设-观察型错误
②  不能区分型错误
③  无所不知型错误
④  选择性过滤
【单选题】 研究表明,人在清醒时有多少时间处于沟通状态
①  40%-45%
②  50%-55%
③  60%-65%
④  70%-75%
【判断题】 根据卢因的“守门人”理论,当信息自下而上传递时,为了减轻上级处理信息的压力或者传递有利于下级自身的信息,下级会有意识地整合信息或将不可信的信息删除,从而导致信息失真。
①  正确
②  错误