A number of foreign scholars [] invited to contribute articles to the magazine.

【单选题】 The number of people invited ____fifty, but a number of them _____absent.
①  were; was
②  was ; was
③  were
④  were; were
【单选题】 The number of people invited______ sixty, but a number of them______ absent for different reasons.
①  were; was
②  was; was
③  was; were
④  were; were
【单选题】 They invited the three of ____, Bob, Joe, and ____.
①  us…me
②  we… we
③  us…I
④  we…I
【单选题】 The whole magazine is produced and edited in the ( ) of excellence.
①  pursue
②  pursuit
③  chase
④  dream
【单选题】 He didn’t contribute one idea ( ) the discussion.
①  with
②  to
③  from
④  of
【单选题】 The magazine is ______reading, so he advised me ____it.
①  well worth; to buy
②  very worth; buying
③  worthing , buying
④  worthy, to buy
【单选题】 Some Italian scholars stressed the study of grammar, rhetoric, ____and poetry.
①  learning history
②  history
③  study of history
④  history learning
【单选题】 What is the ultimate goal of foreign language teaching?
①  Enable SS to use the foreign language in work or life
②  Enable SS to achieve accuracy of English language structure
③  Enable SS to achieve fluency of English language structure
④  Enable SS to speak standard English.
【判断题】 A: Please pass me the magazine. B: Give it to you.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 She has collected a great [填空]of foreign stamps.
①  number
②  place
③  image
④  lot
【简答题】 简述添加中文输入法的步骤。
【简答题】 计算机网络协议由哪些要素组成?
【简答题】 在Windows中,记事本程序默认的文档扩展名是[填空1]。
【简答题】 在Excel中,如果A1:A5包含数字8、11、15、32和4,MAX(A1:A5)=[填空1]。
【简答题】 根据软件的用途,计算机软件一般分为系统软件和[填空1]两大类。
【简答题】 设个体域 D={3,4},F(3,3)=F(4,4)=0, F(3,4)=?F(4,3)=1。求命题“x$yF(x,y)”的真值。
【简答题】 设函数f: R+?R+, f(x) = x2,试求其单满双射性质。
【简答题】 求公式“(pú (qùr)) ? (púqúr)”的主析取范式。
【简答题】 设 R={0,10,20,31,21,32,3},求关系R的逆关系R-1。
【简答题】 实数集合里,F(x,y): x=y, G(x,y): xy。公式“xy(G(x,y) ??F(x,y))”的真值:[填空1]