Kunming is my favorite city [] in fact, I plan to spend a month there this summer.
【单选题】 Next month, I_______ plan to have a holiday.
①  am
②  /
③  have
【判断题】 A line is never begun with a comma, a period or a semicolon.
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 Before the conjunctive adverbs there should be a semicolon, not a comma.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 Every time when I go back to my hometown, I usually spend two days ____ of my relatives.
①  going the rounds of
②  rounding up
③  making the rounds of
④  rounding on
【单选题】 I hurt my knee, so I stopped _______ football last month.
①  playing
②  play
③  to play
【单选题】 I ____ with the Browns during my stay in New York City.
①  put in
②  put down
③  put on
④  put up
【单选题】 I _____with the Browns during my stay in New York City.
①  put in
②  put down
③  put on
④  put up
【判断题】 In dates, a comma is used to separate the day and the year if the order is day—month—year.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 As they are retired, the Smiths prefer a house in the country to spend the rest of their life _____ in a large city.
①  in this
②  to one
③  with that
④  about it
【单选题】 If I with her last summer,I with her now.
①  worked…am getting on very well
②  had worked…would get on very well
③  had worked… would have got on very well
④  had worked…will get on very well
【单选题】 哪项不是阴道助产绝对禁忌证?
①  中位产钳或胎头吸引
②  胎方位或胎头高低不清楚
③  胎头未衔接
④  宫口未开全
⑤  头盆不称
【单选题】 会阴裂伤预防包括哪些?
①  会阴热敷
②  会阴按摩
③  会阴保护
④  会阴切开术
⑤  以上都是
【单选题】 下列哪项不是会阴切开的原则?
①  充分评估产妇和胎儿情况
②  严格把握会阴切开术的指征
③  为了减少产妇组织损伤和避免胎儿损伤
④  正确选择会阴切开方式、程度和时机
⑤  多个产妇同时分娩,估计人力资源不足时
【单选题】 会阴切开术目的是?
①  预防严重的会阴撕裂伤(III°,IV°裂伤)
②  保护会阴组织和盆底肌肉
③  急性胎儿窘迫时,降低新生儿窒息风险
④  缩短第二产程,减轻孕妇疲劳
⑤  以上都是
【单选题】 会阴体功能包括哪些?
①  支持作用
②  保护作用
③  物理屏障
④  避免生殖系统感染
⑤  以上都是
【单选题】 能通过胎盘的免疫球蛋白的是
①  IgA
②  IgG
③  IgM
④  IgD
⑤  IgE
【单选题】 不符合新生儿室条件的是
①  室温22℃~24℃
②  室温26℃~28℃
③  相对湿度55%~65%
④  床间距宜1m
⑤  阳光充足、空气流通
【单选题】 下列说法不正确的是
①  母乳喂养要定时定量
②  新生儿贲门括约肌松弛
③  正常足月儿生后4~6小时且生命体征平稳即可开始沐浴
④  仰卧时头侧向一边
⑤  生理性体重下降不超过出生时体重的10%
【单选题】 下列哪项不是预防新生儿感染的护理措施
①  接触新生儿前后洗手或涂抹消毒液
②  护理和操作时注意无菌
③  每日用纱布擦拭清洁口腔
④  定期消毒各类器械物品
⑤  避免过分拥挤,防止空气污染和杜绝乳制品污染。
【单选题】 2013年一项研究显示,约()的女性经历分娩过程中的疼痛
①  85%
②  100%
③  96%
④  90%
⑤  74%