12. I’m very sorry to have _______ you with so many questions on such an occasion.
【单选题】 I’m very sorry to have ____ you with so many questions on such an occasion.
①  interfered
②  offended
③  impressed
④  bothered
【单选题】 I’m very sorry to kept you ______ for two hours.
①  wait
②  waited
③  waits
④  waiting
【单选题】 A: Mr. Wang, Im very much impressed. Theres no need for further questions. B: [填空].
①  Really? Thats great
②  Sorry, I didnt mean to bother you
③  Thank you for your time
④  Its my pleasure
【单选题】 Ted: I’m very sorry for stepping on your foot. Chark: __________ It’s very crowded on the bus.
①  Don’t worry.
②  That’s all right.
③  I’m fine.
④  Take it easy.
【单选题】 12. That’s ______ joke I have ever heard.
①  the funniest
②  more funny
③  a funniest
④  funnier
【单选题】 Ted: I’m very sorry for stepping on your foot.Chark: __________ It’s very crowded on the bus.
①  Don’t worry.
②  Thats all right.
③  Im fine.
④  Take it easy.
【判断题】 A: Is Mary very sick? B: I’m afraid so.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 40.—I`m sorry I didn`t do a good job. ---Never mind.____you have tried your best.
①  Aboveall
②  Aboveall
③  Atall
④  Afterall
【单选题】 A: Mary, Im very sorry to tell you that I wont be able to come this Friday. B: Whats the matter? [填空].
①  Nothing wrong, I hope
②  Its all right with me
③  Im really sorry for that
④  You can come some other time
【单选题】 I thought you________like something to read,so I have bought you some books.
①  may
②  might
③  could
④  must
【单选题】 系统性红斑狼疮累及系统,器官最常见的是()
①  大脑
②  肺部
③  心脏
④  消化系统
⑤  肾脏
【单选题】 下列哪一项不是系统性红斑狼疮的诱因()
①  阳光照射
②  精神创伤
③  过度疲劳
④  高蛋白饮食
⑤  感染
【单选题】 系统性红斑狼疮病人的首发症状常是()
①  面部蝶形红斑
②  胸闷、气短
③  幻觉
④  血尿、蛋白尿
⑤  关节肿痛
【单选题】 系统性红斑狼疮患者最具特征性的皮肤损害为()
①  环形红斑
②  皮下瘀斑
③  多形性红斑
④  面部蝶形红斑
⑤  四肢网状青斑
【单选题】 系统性红斑狼疮临床累及关节、肌肉的表现为()
①  关节畸形
②  天鹅颈样畸形
③  梭状指
④  非畸形性关节炎
⑤  关节附近肌肉萎缩
【单选题】 类风湿性关节炎,常表现为()
①  指关节梭状畸形
②  杵状指
③  匙状甲
④  浮髌现象
⑤  肢端肥大
【单选题】 下列类风湿性关节炎的特征,哪一项是错误的()
①  病程长
②  关节痛
③  肿胀反复发作
④  始终伴有低热
⑤  关节畸形逐渐形成
【单选题】 类风湿性关节炎最具特征性的关节症状是()
①  肿胀明显
②  关节畸形
③  晨起僵硬
④  疼痛明显
⑤  关节发红
【单选题】 下列为类风湿性关节炎的关节外表现,但应除外()
①  皮下类风湿结节
②  Felty综合征
③  干燥综合征
④  巩膜炎
⑤  面部对称性水肿性红斑
【单选题】 下列哪项不是类风湿性关节炎的症状特点()
①  关节肿痛
②  对称性多关节炎
③  游走性关节炎
④  关节晨僵
⑤  关节肥张畸形