9.She does not_____ that she owes the money, but she just wouldn’t like to return it.
. dispute
【单选题】 ____ money, she is quite rich. However, this does not mean that she is happy.
①  Concerning
②  As to
③  In terms of
④  In the light of
【单选题】 _____money, she is quite rich. However, this does not mean that she is happy.
①  Concerning
②  As to
③  In terms of
④  In the light of
【判断题】 She doesn’t do her work on weekdays, does she?
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 3. She was so pleased that she felt like _______.
①  to find someone to talk
②  to find some to talk to
③  finding someone to talk
④  finding someone to talk to
【单选题】 17.She is stupid, but it’s different _____ Mary; she is just lazy.
①  in case
②  in case of
③  in case that
④  in the case of
【单选题】 She resorted to ____ when she had no money to buy foods for her children.
①  have stolen
②  steal
③  stole
④  stealing
【单选题】 She resorted to _____ when she had no money to buy foods for her children.
①  have stolen
②  steal
③  stole
④  stealing
【判断题】 Has she been listening? Yes, she has./ No, she hasn’t.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 _______ she tried her best, she didn’t succeed.
①  Though
②  When
③  If
④  After
【单选题】 She happily deposits the money she has earned teaching English in her savings account. Find any misplaced modifier in the sentence
①  happily
②  she has earned
③  in her savings account
【单选题】 出生到3岁儿童的社会化主要是在
①  社会机构中进行
②  托儿所中进行
③  幼儿园中进行
④  家庭中进行
【单选题】 导致儿童身心发展差异性的物质性基础是
①  遗传差异
②  教育差异
③  环境差异
④  物质差异
【单选题】 第一个明确要使儿童的各种能力得到和谐的发展的教育家是
①  夸美纽斯
②  卢梭
③  福禄贝尔
④  裴斯泰洛齐
【单选题】 教育发展的物质基础是
①  社会生产
②  经济发展
③  工业革命
④  现代农业
【单选题】 学前班教育小学化倾向的原因不包括
①  迎合家长“望子成龙”的心态
②  师资力量薄弱
③  让孩子获得更多的知识
④  办学条件差
【单选题】 幼儿期教育活动中的主导形式
①  讲授
②  游戏
③  自学
④  参观
【单选题】 联合国教科文组织于1993年提出的未来教育的四大基础支柱是
①  学会生活、学会认知、学会工作、学会享受
②  学会做事、学会学习、学会生活、学会合作
③  学会做人、学会做事、学会学习、学会生存
④  学会认知、学会做事、学会做人、学会共处
【单选题】 “十年树木,百年树人”形容了幼儿教师劳动的
①  纯真美好
②  长期性
③  艰巨性
④  引导性
【单选题】 “恩物”的设计者是
①  卢梭
②  福禄贝尔
③  杜威
④  蒙台梭利
【单选题】 华生的“教育万能论”属于
①  教育决定论
②  教师决定论
③  环境决定论
④  遗传决定论