25.I prefer this chair to the other one. It’s ___________ .
more comfortable
【单选题】 The cover of the book _______ comfortable. It’s made of silk.
①  tastes
②  feels
③  looks
④  sounds
【单选题】 I should like to rent a house, modern, comfortable and ____ in a quiet neighborhood.
①  all in all
②  after all
③  above all
④  over all
【单选题】 I think the story is not so ______ as that one.
①  Interesting
②  interested
③  more interesting
④  most interesting
【单选题】 This book is ________ that one. But __________ than that one.
①  as difficult as ;expensive
②  as more difficult as ; more expensive
③  as difficult as ; more expensive
④  more difficult as ; as expensive
【单选题】 4. I think the story is not so ____as that one.
①  interesting
②  interested
③  more interesting
④  most interesting
【单选题】 This book is_____that one. But______than that one.
①  as difficult as ;expensive
②  as more difficult as ; more expensive
③  as difficult as ; more expensive
④  more difficult as ; as expensive
【单选题】 He’s never again written ____ as his first one.
①  so good a book
②  such good a book
③  such good book
④  so a good book
【单选题】 I have made _______ dumplings. Now Im making the _______ one.
①  twenty; twentieth-first
②  twenty; twenty-first
③  twentieth; twenty-first
④  twenty; twenty-one
【单选题】 Only when one is ______ of one’s getting behind is one more likely to catch up.
①  critical
②  aware
③  visual
④  effective
【单选题】 This book is ______ that one, but ______ than that one.
①  as difficult as; expensive
②  as more difficult as; more expensive
③  as difficult as; more expensive
④  more difficult as; as expensive
【单选题】 通过有组织的社区力量,高效率地预防疾病、延长寿命、促进健康的科学和艺术是?
①  预防为主和群众自我保健相结合
②  公共卫生
③  临床预防医学
④  预防医学
⑤  以社区为范围,以群体为对象
【单选题】 乙肝疫苗接种后血清检查阳转率计算其分母为( )
①  乙肝易感人数
②  乙肝患者人数
③  该地平均人数
④  乙肝疫苗接种人数
⑤  乙肝疫苗接种后阳转人数
【单选题】 社区卫生是?
①  预防为主和群众自我保健相结合
②  公共卫生
③  临床预防医学
④  预防医学
⑤  以社区为范围,以群体为对象
【单选题】 从全国冠心病患者中随机抽取2000例,测得血浆胆固醇资料是
①  总体
②  样本
③  参数
④  统计量
⑤  指标
【单选题】 某地男子冠心病死亡率为14632/13752300×1000‰= 1.06‰,表明该地( )
①  每千名男子中平均死亡1.06人
②  每千名男子中平均有1.06人死于冠心病
③  每千名冠心病患者死亡的可能性为1.06
④  每千名死亡人数中平均有1.06人死于冠心病
⑤  (23+12+41 +70)/1848×100‰
【单选题】 下列属于第一级预防的是哪一项?
①  儿童卡介苗的接种
②  食品卫生法制定、食物中毒病人的抢救
③  通过国际检疫防止埃博拉病毒的传入
④  乳腺癌的筛检
⑤  残疾患者的康复护理指导
【单选题】 研究全省中年护士的心理健康状况,得到某医院中年护土的焦虑症状平均得分,该指标为
①  儿童卡介苗的接种
②  食品卫生法制定、食物中毒病人的抢救
③  通过国际检疫防止埃博拉病毒的传入
④  乳腺癌的筛检
⑤  残疾患者的康复护理指导
【单选题】 样本率与总体率比较时,其检验假设H0应为( )
①  π=π0
②  P=π0
③  P>π0
④  P<π0
⑤  P-π0>0
【单选题】 反映某地人群SARS死亡水平常用的指标有( )
①  死因顺位
②  SARS死亡率
③  婴儿SARS死亡率
④  SARS病死率
⑤  SARS平均死亡年龄
【单选题】 反映医疗工作与预防保健工作相结合的是?
①  预防为主和群众自我保健相结合
②  公共卫生
③  临床预防医学
④  预防医学
⑤  以社区为范围,以群体为对象