12.I am busy today. Maybe we can have lunch together _______other day.
【判断题】 A: Maybe we should go Dutch today. B: We dont need to go there.
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 Where do you have lunch every day?
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 They __ lunch at home every day.
①  have not
②  didn’t have
③  don’t have
④  have not any
【单选题】 14.They ______ lunch at home every day.
①  have not
②  didnt have
③  dont have
④  have not any
【单选题】 The book I ____ the other day can be found nowhere.
①  borrow
②  borrowed
③  are borrowing
④  was borrowing
【单选题】 ________ you are leaving tomorrow, we can have dinner together tonight.
①  Since
②  While
③  For
④  Before
【单选题】 I am not sure whether I can gain any profit from the investment, so I can’t make a(n) ____ tohelp you.
①  exact
②  defined
③  definite
④  sure
【单选题】 Do you have any ice? I am used to have a nightcap before I go to bed.What is the meaning of the word “nightcap”?
①  沐浴
②  夜读
③  夜宵
④  睡前饮料
【单选题】 A: May I use your computer this afternoon? B: Im sorry, but I have to finish typing this term paper today. A: [填空].
①  It doesnt matter
②  Thank you just the same
③  Do as you please
④  Never mind
【单选题】 I am sorry I have no time at present to ____ more detail or give you an account of other cities of interest.
①  bring into
②  take into
③  come into
④  go into
【单选题】 年鉴全文数据库是由哪个公司开发的?
①  维普
②  方正阿帕比
③  同方知网
④  万方
【判断题】 能否编纂高质量的百科全书是衡量一个国家科学文化发展水平的标志之一。
【多选题】 下列字典中属于形体字典的有()
①  康熙字典
②  书法大字典
③  甲骨文编
④  新华字典
【判断题】 年鉴可分为综合性年鉴、专科性年鉴和统计年鉴,不全是连续出版物。
【多选题】 属于专科性词典的是()
①  哲学大辞典
②  宗教大辞典
③  辞海
④  中文大辞典
【单选题】 “工具书之王”是指()。
①  百科全书
②  年鉴
③  名录
④  词典
【多选题】 人们可通过名录查找关于()的信息。
①  人物生平
②  网站网址
③  行政区划
④  组织机构
【多选题】 世界三大百科全书ABC是指()
①  美国百科全书
②  钱伯斯百科全书
③  大英百科全书
④  科利尔百科全书
【多选题】 地名词典与地名录不同,其种类包括()。
①  世界地名和国家地名词典
②  详细地名和概略地名词典
③  历史地名和现代地名词典
④  综合性和区域性地名词典
【多选题】 手册的类型可以分为()
①  传统型手册
②  专科性手册
③  综合性手册
④  知识型手册