What is fluency competence concerned with?
Appropriate use of the language in social context
Ability to link units of speech together with facility and without strain or inappropriate slowness or undue hesitation
Strategies one employs when there is communication breakdown due to lack of resources
Knowledge of language itself, its form and meaning.

【单选题】 What is linguistic competence concerned with?
①  Appropriate use of the language in social context
②  Ability to create coherent written text or conversation and the ability to understand them
③  Strategies one employs when there is communication breakdown due to lack of resources
④  Knowledge of language itself, its form and meaning.
【单选题】 What is discourse competence concerned with?
①  Appropriate use of the language in social context
②  Ability to create coherent written text or conversation and the ability to understand them
③  Strategies one employs when there is communication breakdown due to lack of resources
④  Knowledge of language itself, its form and meaning.
【单选题】 What is strategic competence concerned with?
①  Appropriate use of the language in social context
②  Ability to create coherent written text or conversation and the ability to understand them
③  Strategies one employs when there is communication breakdown due to lack of resources
④  Knowledge of language itself, its form and meaning.
【单选题】 What is pragmatic competence concerned with?
①  Appropriate use of the language in social context
②  Ability to create coherent written text or conversation and the ability to understand them
③  Strategies one employs when there is communication breakdown due to lack of resources
④  Knowledge of language itself, its form and meaning.
【单选题】 What is the possible solution to bridge the gap between classroom language teaching and real-life language use?
①  Task-based teaching and learning
②  Communicative language teaching
③  Presentation, practice and production
④  Engage
⑤  study
⑥  activate.
【单选题】 A(n)____ person is one who has much knowledge and the ability to use it well.
①  smart
②  intelligent
③  clever
④  wise
【判断题】 Discovery strategies consist of determination strategies and social strategies used in discovering the meaning of a new word.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 What does the interactional view of language see language?
①  A system of categories based on the communicative needs of the learner
②  A communicative tool to build up and maintain social relations between people
③  A linguistic system made up of various subsystems
④  A linguistic system and a means for doing things.
【单选题】 What does the functional view of language see language?
①  A system of categories based on the communicative needs of the learner
②  A communicative tool to build up and maintain social relations between people
③  A linguistic system made up of various subsystems
④  A a linguistic system and a means for doing things.
【单选题】 What does the structural view of language see language?
①  A system of categories based on the communicative needs of the learner
②  A communicative tool to build up and maintain social relations between people
③  A linguistic system made up of various subsystems
④  A linguistic system and a means for doing things.
【单选题】 甲类传染病的法定传染病报告时间,在农村应于发现后
①  6小时
②  8小时
③  10 小时
④  12小时以内
⑤  24小时
【单选题】 构成传染病流行的三个环节是
①  传染源、传播途径、易感者
②  传染源、传染途径、易感者
③  传染来源、传播途径、易感人群
④  传染来源、传染途径、易感人群
⑤  传染源、传播途径、易感人群
【单选题】 患者最科学有效的隔离方式为
①  家庭隔离
②  单位隔离
③  住院隔离
④  学校隔离
⑤  其他隔离
【单选题】 以下哪一项疾病发病最急:
①  职业病
②  寄生虫病
③  传染病
【单选题】 公共卫生工作中基层卫生机构主要完成的是:
①  识别
②  评估
③  干预
【单选题】 下面哪个是正确的( )
①  哨点监测是主动监测
②  哨点监测是被动监测
③  两者说法都正确
④  两者说法都不正确
【单选题】 正确的是()
①  主动监测优于被动监测
②  被动监测优于主动监测
③  以上说法都不对
④  以上说法都对
【单选题】 错误的是()
①  监测的概念源于中国
②  监测的概念源于美国
③  SA.RS之后中国传染病监测得到大的发展
④  监测概念上世纪70年代中国开始引入
【单选题】 法定传染病报告系统(NDRS)的缺点不包括()
①  人为干扰大
②  时间长
③  不易耽误
④  报告人主观性强
【单选题】 传染病监测内容和方法不含()
①  信息资料收集
②  资料整理分析
③  监测信息的交换和反馈
④  传染病患者的诊断治疗