What are the guidelines for writing teaching aims in a lesson plan?
Clear, brief
Specific, students-oriented
Specific, teacher-oriented
Both A and B.
【判断题】 In precis writing, try to keep as many specific words as possible.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 What role does a teacher play in the following activity? The teacher asks students to produce conversations (either orally or in writing) by using particular patterns or expressions they have just learned.
①  Controller
②  Assessor
③  Organizer
④  Prompter.
【单选题】 Which part is to be finished after a lesson in a lesson plan?
①  Teaching aids
②  End of a lesson summary
③  Optional activities and assignment
④  After lesson reflection.
【单选题】 What role does a teacher play in the following activity? While doing a writing task either individually or in groups, the students need to use a particular word they don’t know. So they ask the teacher.
①  Controller
②  Assessor
③  participant
④  Resource-provider.
【单选题】 What are the purposeful preparation that a language teacher normally receives before he starts the practice of teaching?
①  Learning from other’s experiences
②  Learning the received knowledge
③  Learning from one’s own experiences as a teacher
④  All of the above.
【判断题】 The rules governing the phonological patterning are language specific.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 6. What really ______ is that the teacher should be responsible for his students.
①  happens
②  cares
③  minds
④  matters
【单选题】 MDSA中的SA 即specific advantage指的是
①  特别劣势
②  独特卖点
③  唯一优势
④  特别优势
【单选题】 What role does a teacher play in the following activity? The teacher gives students 2 minutes to skim a text, and when time is up, he asks students to stop and answer some questions.
①  Controller
②  Assessor
③  Organizer
④  Prompter
【单选题】 Evidence came up ____ specific sounds are recognized by babies as young as six months old.
①  what
②  that
③  which
④  whose
【单选题】 儿童急性上呼吸道感染感染最常见的病原体是()
①  细菌
②  病毒
③  支原体
④  真菌
⑤  寄生虫
【单选题】 以下说法正确的是()
①  急性上呼吸道感染常有自限性
②  急性上呼吸道感染一定不需要使用抗菌药物
③  诊断急性上呼吸道感染后不需要随诊
④  急性上呼吸道感染仅指咽炎、扁桃体炎
⑤  病毒性急性上呼吸道感染无特效药
【单选题】 急性会厌炎的最常见病原体是()
①  流感嗜血杆菌
②  卡他莫拉菌
③  流感病毒
④  肺炎链球菌
⑤  腺病毒
【单选题】 儿童体温与严重疾病的相关性,哪项错误()
①  1月龄至3岁病因不明急性发热儿童不能完全凭体温高低预测疾病的严重程度
②  <3岁病因不明急性发热儿童,发热时间≥2d泌尿系统感染的风险较高
③  病因不明急性发热的婴幼儿,发热时间长短不能完全预测严重细菌感染的总体发生风险
④  发热后吃了布洛芬很快退热,不能提示孩子感染不严重
⑤  患儿感染后发热体温越高,提示孩子感染越严重
【单选题】 病因不明急性发热儿童,取CRP>临界值多少时,诊断严重细菌感染的可能性很大()
①  CRP>临界值8mg/L时
②  CRP>临界值16mg/L时
③  CRP>临界值24mg/L时
④  CRP>临界值30mg/L时
⑤  CRP>临界值40mg/L时
【单选题】 儿童以下哪些情况不需要退热
①  发热38.5°,休克
②  安静入睡,发热39.5°
③  烦躁不安
④  心力衰竭患儿发热38.6°
⑤  重症肺炎患儿发热38.3°
【单选题】 关于儿童退热药的使用,以下哪项正确
①  3岁儿童发热39°使用布洛芬退热
②  儿童发热可使用冰水灌肠
③  推荐布洛芬和对乙酰氨基酚交替使用来退热
④  26日龄新生儿发热39°,可使用对乙酰氨基酚退热
⑤  5月龄婴儿发热39.5°使用布洛芬退热
【单选题】 关于热性惊厥的处理,以下哪项正确
①  热性惊厥患儿发作后建议立即给予地西泮静脉推注止惊
②  热性惊厥患儿发作时建议口腔放置压舌板避免咬伤舌头
③  热性惊厥患儿发作时建议掐人中
④  抽搐期间需要及时清理口腔分泌物避免窒息
⑤  频繁发作热性惊厥的儿童,建议低热时即给予退热药预防惊厥发作
【单选题】 处理严重过敏反应的首选药物是()
①  地塞米松
②  异丙嗪
③  氯雷他定
④  肾上腺素
⑤  葡萄糖酸钙
【单选题】 以下哪项是严重过敏反应()
①  口服芒果后全身风团,瘙痒严重
②  静脉滴注青霉素后出现腹痛
③  输浓缩红细胞后出现寒战高热
④  静脉滴注青霉素后出现皮肤风团,腹痛
⑤  血浆置换后出现吸气性呼吸困难