An example of dramatic monologue is _____________.
Don Juan
When We Two Parted
My Last Duchess
The Waste Land
【单选题】 When you have finished with that video tape, don’t forget to put it in my drawer, ---_____?
①  do you?
②  will you
③  can you
④  dont
【单选题】 Every time when I go back to my hometown, I usually spend two days ____ of my relatives.
①  going the rounds of
②  rounding up
③  making the rounds of
④  rounding on
【单选题】 My grandfather had suffered from cancer for two years. It was no surprise when I was told that he had _____.
①  passed off
②  passed away
③  passed by
④  passed over
【单选题】 First please be ( ) during your travel,otherwise we will waste time.
①  on time
②  in time
③  at the time
④  by the time
【单选题】 When we speak to people, we should be ______.
①  as polite as possible
②  as polite as possibly
③  as politely as possible
④  as politely as possibly
【单选题】 —OK, $ 500, but that is my last offer. —____.?
①  Good idea! ?
②  What did you say??
③  Oh, its up to you. ?
④  OK. Its a deal.?
【单选题】 The last time we had great fun was [] we were visiting the Water Park.
①  where
②  how
③  when
④  why
【单选题】 When we drove to the country, we saw many _____.
①  herds of cattles
②  herds of catt
③  herd of cattle
④  herd of cattles
【单选题】 8.We ______ last night, but we went to the concert instead.
①  musthavestudied
②  mightstudy
③  shouldhavestudied
④  wouldstudy
【单选题】 I _____him my bike last weekend.
①  lent
②  hired
③  returned
④  borrowed
【单选题】 以下哪一项不是静脉和动脉联合溶栓治疗的适应症?
①  血压<180/100mmHg
②  年龄<80岁
③  发病<3小时
④  NIHSS评分>25分
【单选题】 以下哪一个血管闭塞的患者不建议采用静脉和动脉联合溶栓治疗的方法?
①  颈内动脉
②  大脑前动脉
③  大脑中动脉M1段
④  基底动脉闭塞
【单选题】 静脉和动脉联合溶栓治疗方案中静脉使用rtPA的推荐剂量?
①  0.3mg/kg
②  0.5mg/kg
③  0.6mg/kg
④  0.9mg/kg
【单选题】 以下哪一项不是急性缺血性卒中血管内治疗方法?
①  动脉溶栓
②  机械取栓
③  颅内血管搭桥术
④  支架植入术
【单选题】 急性缺血性卒中介入治疗的并发症
①  脑血管栓塞
②  颅内出血
③  闭塞血管未再通
④  再灌注损伤
【单选题】 采用标准的静脉溶栓治疗,颈动脉闭塞的血管再通率?
①  约10%
②  约20%
③  约30%
④  约40%
【单选题】 关于介入术后的抗凝药、抗血小板药治疗,以下哪一项不正确?
①  使用前复査头颅CT,排外颅内出血
②  抗血小板药物应在溶栓24小时后开始使用
③  溶栓24小时后可以联合使用抗血小板和抗凝药治疗开始使用
④  溶栓后不适合无选择的早期进行抗凝治疗
【单选题】 对于静脉溶栓后接受介入治疗患者,控制血压的标准是以下哪一项?
①  130/90mmHg以下
②  140/90mmHg以下
③  160/100mmHg以下
④  180/100mmHg以下
【单选题】 关于脑梗死辅助检查,下面描述错误的是( )
①  头颅MRI对脑干、小脑梗塞比CT敏感
②  头颅MRI可在发病后数分钟到数小时检测到缺血性改变
③  DWI和PWI不一致区,为缺血半暗带
④  发现血管狭窄,超声比DSA检查更敏感
【单选题】 缺血性脑卒中的病因分型不包括( )
①  大动脉粥样硬化
②  穿支动脉闭塞
③  不明原因
④  分水岭梗塞