At the Reason and Revolution Period, Americans were influenced by the European movement called Romanticism Movement.
【单选题】 At the Reason and Revolution Period, Americans were influenced by the European movement called ______.
①  Chartist Movement
②  Romanticism Movement
③  Enlightenment Movement
④  Modernist Movement
【单选题】 The essence of Renaissance, the most significant intellectual movement, was_____.
①  Geographical exploration
②  Religious reformation
③  Publishing and translation
④  Humanism.
【单选题】 The essence of Renaissance, the most significant intellectual movement, was_____.
①  Geographical exploration
②  Religious reformation
③  Publishing and translation
④  Humanism
【判断题】 The essence of Renaissance, the most significant intellectual movement, was Humanism.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 The most important representatives of American transcendentalism, which once flourished in New England as a philosophical and literary movement, are _________.
①  Edgar Poe and James Cooper
②  Emerson and Whitman
③  Hawthorne and Melville
④  Emerson and Thoreau
【单选题】 The students were not____ to leave the classroom without an adequate reason.?
①  permitted ?
②  remitted ?
③  admitted ?
④  emitted?
【单选题】 ____ is announced in the papers, our country has launched a large scale movement against smuggling and fraudulent activities in foreign currency exchange deals.
①  What
②  As
③  Which
④  That
【单选题】 _____is announced in the papers, our country has launched a large scale movement against smuggling and fraudulent activities in foreign currency exchange deals.
①  What
②  As
③  Which
④  That
【判断题】 判断线上的内容是否正确:The first glasses of Coca Cola were drunk in 1886. The drink was first __made___ by a US chemist called John Pemberton
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 答题说明:句子没有语法错误请选择“正确”,有语法错误请选择“错误”Thats the reason because I did it.
①  正确
②  错误
【多选题】 张三采用攀爬电线杆割断电缆线的方式盗窃通信电缆作案15起,合计价值人民币40166元,共造成2938户用户通信阻断数小时,张三的行为( )。
①  盗割正在使用中的公用通信电缆线,危害公共安全,构成破坏公用电信设施罪
②  构成盗窃罪
③  择一重罪破坏公用电信设施罪从重处罚
④  应数罪并罚
【判断题】 甲去商店买手机时店员不在场,甲放了4000元现金在拒台里将标价4000元的手机拿走,因没有违反被害人的意志,成立盗窃罪。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 欣欣在高某的金店选购了一条项链,高某趁欣欣接电话之际,将为其进行礼品包装的项链调换成款式相同的劣等品(两条项链差价约3000元)。欣欣回家后很快发现项链被“调包”,即返回该店要求退还,高某以发票与实物不符为由拒不退换。关于高某的行为,下列说法正确的是( )。
①  构成盗窃罪
②  构成诈骗罪
③  构成侵占罪
④  不构成犯罪,属民事纠纷
【多选题】 盗窃罪的客观方面可以表现为( )。
①  窃取数额较大的财物
②  入户盗窃
③  携带凶器盗窃
④  扒窃
【判断题】 误把公私财物当作自己的财物拿走,主观不具有非法占有目的,不构成盗窃罪。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 合同权利终止于标的物交付时。( )
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 下列选项中属于合同权利义务终止的情形是( )。
①  债务已经按照约定履行
②  合同解除
③  债务相互抵销
④  债务人依法将标的物提存
【单选题】 下列情况下合同的权利义务仍未终止的是( )。
①  债务相互抵销
②  债权债务同归于一人
③  一方当事人死亡
④  债务人依法将标的物提存
【单选题】 在履行期限届满前,当事人一方明确表示或以自己的行为表明不履行主要债务的,对方可以( )。
①  撤销合同
②  变更合同
③  解除合同
④  宣告合同无效
【单选题】 合同权利义务的终止是指( )。
①  合同的变更
②  合同的消灭
③  合同效力的中止
④  合同的解释