The end of ______ marked the beginning of The Gilded Age, an age of excess and extremes, of decline and progress, of poverty and dazzling wealth, of gloom and hope.
the American War of Independence
World War I
World War II
The Civil War
【判断题】 The end of World War I marked the beginning of The Gilded Age, an age of excess and extremes, of decline and progress, of poverty and dazzling wealth, of gloom and hope.
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 The slightest mention of the decade after the First World War brings nostalgic recollections to both the middle-age and the young.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 Was it during the Second World War _________ he died?
①  then
②  in which
③  that
④  while
【单选题】 The hospital is said to have been ________________ in the Second World War.
①  declined
②  destroyed
③  decided
④  demanded
【单选题】 After the Civil War America was transformed from ______ to ______.
①  an agrarian community … an industrialized and commercialized society
②  an agrarian community … a society of freedom and equality
③  a poor and backward society … an industrialized and commercialized society
④  an industrialized and commercialized society … a highly developed society
【单选题】 7.During World War II, a Jewish(犹太的) lady was protected by a local family in Shanghai in her ________ .
①  fifties
②  fifty
③  fiftieth
④  the fiftieth
【判断题】 After the First World War, the United States was no longer isolated in either politics or tradition.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 During the Second World War, once before, the U-boats had been _____ because of air attack.
①  in trouble
②  in the trouble
③  for trouble
④  within trouble
【单选题】 Experience is believing. If you’d like to know what it ____ like to be a soldier in World War Ⅱ,____ the game “Brothers in Arms: Roads to Hill 30”.
①  wouldbe;try
②  wouldbe;try
③  wouldbe;trying
④  was;trying
【单选题】 There’s little chance that mankind would _____ a nuclear war.
①  retain
②  endure
③  maintain
④  survive
【单选题】 为研究两种方法的检测效果是否不同,将24名患者配成12对,采用配对t检验进行统计分析,则其自由度为
①  24
②  23
③  12
④  11
【单选题】 参数是指:
①  参与个体数
②  总体的统计指标
③  样本的统计指标
④  样本的总和
【单选题】 当自由度趋向无穷大,且π不接近于0也不接近于1时,二项分布趋向于________。
①  正态分布
②  F分布
③  t分布
④  卡方分布
【单选题】 描述一组偏态分布资料的离散程度,宜选择
①  中位数
②  标准差
③  变异系数
④  四分位数间距
【单选题】 统计分析的主要内容有
①  描述性统计和统计图表
②  区间估计与假设检验
③  统计描述和统计推断
④  统计图表和统计报告
【单选题】 甲县随机抽取10名15岁男童与乙地随机抽取10名15岁男童身高均数差别比较,应用下列( )检验。
①  两样本t检验
②  配对t检验
③  样本均数与总体均数比较的t检验
④  以上都不是
【单选题】 Poisson分布的标准差σ和均数λ的关系是
①  λ>σ
②  λ<σ
③  λ=σ
④  λ=σ2
【单选题】 抽样的目的是( )。
①  研究样本统计量
②  由样本统计量推断总体参数
③  研究典型案例研究误差
【单选题】 实验设计的基本原则( )。
①  处理因素、受试对象、实验效应
②  对照、随机化、重复
③  齐同对比、均衡性、随机化
【单选题】 以下哪项不是二项分布的适用条件
①  n次独立重复试验
②  每次试验只有两个互逆结果
③  每次试验条件相同
④  方差齐性