Direction: Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form if necessary.[integrity; conscience; yield; appoint; assure; ensure; demonstrate; clarify; preserve; scarce]3. After[填空1]how to do it, the chemical experts told the graduates to begin the experiment.
【简答题】 Direction: Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form if necessary.[integrity; conscience; yield; appoint; assure; ensure; demonstrate; clarify; preserve; scarce]1. They were fighting in order to[填空1]their independence.
【简答题】 Direction: Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form if necessary.[integrity; conscience; yield; appoint; assure; ensure; demonstrate; clarify; preserve; scarce]10. This is the first time that a woman has been[填空1]to the post.
【简答题】 Direction: Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form if necessary.[integrity; conscience; yield; appoint; assure; ensure; demonstrate; clarify; preserve; scarce]5. The man, who had been[填空1]that the plane would be on time, sighed with relief.
【简答题】 Direction: Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form if necessary.[integrity; conscience; yield; appoint; assure; ensure; demonstrate; clarify; preserve; scarce]6. The general managers letter, which give him credit,[填空1]his promotion.
【简答题】 Direction: Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form if necessary.[integrity; conscience; yield; appoint; assure; ensure; demonstrate; clarify; preserve; scarce]8. She is a woman of[填空1]who has never given up her principles for the sake of making money.
【简答题】 Direction: Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form if necessary.[integrity; conscience; yield; appoint; assure; ensure; demonstrate; clarify; preserve; scarce]2. Feeling that the directions for the exercise were difficult to understand, the students asked the teacher to[填空1]them by explaining them further.
【简答题】 Direction: Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form if necessary.[integrity; conscience; yield; appoint; assure; ensure; demonstrate; clarify; preserve; scarce]7. Though he walked free from court, his[填空1]kept bothering him for the wrong doing he had done.
【简答题】 Direction: Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form if necessary.[dodge; mean; tease; disability; regular; bonus; proclaim; universal]3. That is a[填空1]trick!
【简答题】 Directions: Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form if necessary.(pros and cons; allocation; update; complexity; infancy; initially; minimal;strategically; grab; digest)3. So how do you manage this[填空1].
【简答题】 Direction: Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form if necessary.[assumption; contact; cliff; equivalent; emergency; outweigh; height; rummage; vibration; bugbear]3. Money is my biggest[填空1].
【单选题】 中国成人超重诊断标准为
①  24.0 kg/m2≤BMI < 28.0 kg/m2
②  25 kg/m2≤BMI < 28.0 kg/m2
③  BMI≥28.0 kg/m2
④  25 kg/m2≤BMI < 30.0 kg/m2
⑤  BMI≥30.0 kg/m2
【单选题】 肥胖的主要影响因素不包括
①  遗传
②  膳食
③  出生地
④  生活方式与行为
⑤  心理因素
【单选题】 肥胖的筛查方法不包括
①  BMI
②  腰围
③  小腿围
④  双能X线吸收法
⑤  生物电阻抗分析法
【单选题】 中国成人肥胖诊断标准为
①  BMI≥28.0 kg/m2
②  BMI≥29.0 kg/m2
③  BMI≥30.0 kg/m2
④  BMI≥27 kg/m2
⑤  BMI≥28.5.0 kg/m2
【单选题】 以下不属于与肥胖有关的疾病的是
①  心血管疾病
②  脂肪肝
③  胃食管反流
④  骨骼系统疾病
⑤  以上均是
【单选题】 根据中国现行的BMI标准,一般成人的肥胖判定界值为(kg/m2)
①  28
②  27
③  26
④  25
⑤  24
【单选题】 下列脂肪肝分类中,最常见的是
①  酒精性脂肪肝
②  肥胖性脂肪肝
③  营养不良性脂肪肝
④  糖尿病脂肪肝
⑤  药物性脂肪肝
【单选题】 以下哪一项不是脂肪肝可能导致的健康问题
①  糖尿病
②  高血压
③  骨质疏松
④  代谢综合征
⑤  高脂血症
【单选题】 下列哪项不属于肥胖型脂肪肝的发病机制
①  胰岛素抵抗
②  脂肪酸流入
③  脂肪合成增加
④  氧化应激
⑤  以上均是
【单选题】 下列哪种饮料类食物适合减重人群
①  白水、淡茶水
②  含糖饮料
③  奶茶
④  果汁饮料
⑤  甜味饮料