After the Minister of Education had finished speaking at the press conference, he was made ______ all sorts of awkward questions.
to answer

【单选题】 After dinner the minister made a short ___ to the guests.
①  delivery
②  pronunciation
③  conversation
④  speech
【单选题】 The shy girl felt ____ and uncomfortable when she could not answer her teacher’s questions.
①  awkward
②  amazed
③  curious
④  amused
【单选题】 The shy girl felt ____ and uncomfortable when she could not answer her teacher’s questions.
①  amazed
②  awkward
③  curious
④  amused
【单选题】 I eagerly answered all the questions, never ____ much about making mistakes.
①  worry
②  worried
③  worries
④  worrying
【单选题】 His answer was so confused that I could hardly make any ____ of it at all.
①  explanation
②  meaning
③  sense
④  interpretation
【单选题】 What role does a teacher play in the following activity? The teacher gives students 2 minutes to skim a text, and when time is up, he asks students to stop and answer some questions.
①  Controller
②  Assessor
③  Organizer
④  Prompter
【单选题】 It was not until she had finished all her work_____.
①  did she return
②  that she returned
③  when she returned
④  that did she return
【多选题】 She _____________ answering my questions.
①  took off
②  kept away from
③  fought for
④  avoided
【单选题】 20. Only when he had handed in his exam paper ____ he had made several mistakes.
①  he has realized
②  does he realize
③  has he realized
④  did he realize
【判断题】 I knows the answer.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 DVD的播放时间可达
①  1小时
②  2小时
③  3小时
④  4小时
【单选题】 计算机内存由ROM和RAM组成,下面说法正确的是
①  ROM只能读信息,不能写;RAM不能读但能写
②  ROM既不可读,也不可写;RAM既可读也可写
③  断电后ROM中的信息不清除,RAM中的信息会清除
④  断电后ROM中的信息会清除,而RAM中的信息不清除
【单选题】 要录制课堂上学生讨论的声音,应该选用
①  单向话筒
②  双向话筒
③  全向话筒
④  机内话筒
【单选题】 世界上覆盖范围最广的计算机网络是
①  LAN
②  WAN
③  MAN
④  Internet
【单选题】 对CD-ROM光盘的说法不正确的是
①  只能读不能写
②  可读可写
③  是多媒体计算机的标准配置
④  容量大,适于存储多媒体信息
【单选题】 将彩色电视信号分解为R、G、B三基色信号,是通过哪一个部件完成的
①  摄像管
②  显像管
③  编码器
④  解码器
【单选题】 校园网上的每台计·算机主板上都必须插入一个
①  调制解调器
②  网络适配器
③  声音适配器
④  显示适配器
【单选题】 投影器和幻灯机相比,最明显的优点是
①  明亮
②  目光接触
③  灵活操作
④  可自制材料
【单选题】 有计算机及投影器(带银幕各一台,要把计算机显示输出通过投影器放大到屏幕上,还需要增加
①  一个液晶显示板
②  一块放大镜
③  一台数据投影器
④  一台电视机
【单选题】 往幻灯片上添加标题,可以
①  直接在幻灯片上输入即可
②  必须添加文本框后在文本框中输入
③  选择“插入”菜单上的“文字”项
④  单击右键选择“添加”