She was protesting against ______ government telling students what they should and should not eat at school.
【单选题】 As a teacher of elementary school, you should be patient ____ those pupils.
①  of
②  with
③  for
④  at
【单选题】 6. What really ______ is that the teacher should be responsible for his students.
①  happens
②  cares
③  minds
④  matters
【单选题】 We should not eat or eat less______ food.
①  junk
②  garbage
③  trash
④  rubbish
【多选题】 She____________________ that we should develop the skills.
①  suggest
②  suggested
③  propose
④  proposed
【单选题】 As a teacher, you should not _______ the students from asking questions in class.
①  ruin
②  restrain
③  import
④  impose
【单选题】 Each paragraph should be ( ) to what comes before and after.
①  relate
②  related
③  relevant
④  relation
【单选题】 Peter’s mother kept telling him that he should give up smoking, but _____ didn’t help.
①  he
②  which
③  she
④  it
【单选题】 What I meant was that we should go[填空] with the work.
①  on
②  in
③  down
④  out
【判断题】 A: What should we do this evening? B: You say.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 Much importance should be ( ) to physical and mental health of students, which, however, is often neglected.
①  attached
②  detached
③  stressed
④  thrown
【单选题】 所谓媒体公关,是指品牌管理者从建立良好的媒体环境、提升品牌曝光率、融洽媒体关系、防止真实新闻和恶意报道的目的出发,主动展开的媒体关系管理和促进行为。该说法( )
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 理想的媒体公关,不应该是( )的公关行为过程。
①  利己
②  互利
③  健康
④  开放
【单选题】 企业组织为社区就业率做出贡献,可以在社区民众心目中树立起身在社区、心属社区的良好形象。该说法( )
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 下列选项不属于通常的投资公关的基本路径的是( )
①  摒除优先条款
②  组建适合的经营团队
③  递送经营简报
④  进行路演
【判断题】 理想的合作公关,应该是健康、平衡、持续、分享的公关行为过程。该说法( )
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 品牌危机一般被划分为潜伏期、爆发期和重建期三个阶段。该说法( )
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 现代办公设备可分为计算机、通信( )三大类。
①  电子工具
②  办公机械
③  路由器
④  碎纸机
【单选题】 信息的复印利用的机器包括:复印机、多功能一体机、快速油印机、一体化速印机和( )等对信息进行复制。
①  传真机
②  胶印机
③  笔记本电脑
④  计算机
【单选题】 静电及消除的要求:接地与屏蔽、工作人员的服装、控制湿度、( )。
①  使用静电消除器
②  摩擦双手
③  保持室内空间干燥
④  断电
【单选题】 一体式墨盒中分为单色墨盒和( )墨盒。
①  都不是
②  灰色
③  彩色
④  双色