We all thought ______ pity that you were unable to attend our meeting.
【单选题】 A: I thought you were working until 6:30. B: [填空], but we finished our meeting at 5:30 and were let go.
①  I tried to
②  I hoped so
③  Id love to
④  I was supposed to
【判断题】 A: Must I attend the meeting? B: No, you neednt.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 Not only ______ our money, but we were also in danger of losing our lives.
①  we lost
②  lost we
③  we did lose
④  did we lose
【单选题】 —We all had a lot of fun at the barbecue ?yesterday. Pity you weren’t there. —I really should have gone with ?you but I _______ on some remaining problems.
①  worked
②  was working?
③  would work
④  would have worked
【单选题】 You never told us why you were one hour late for the last meeting, ____?
①  weren’t you
②  didn’t you
③  have you
④  did you
【单选题】 We passed a pool in which ducks were_________.
①  climbing
②  jogging
③  hiking
④  swimming
【单选题】 We looked for a table to sit down, but they were all ____.
①  reserved for
②  engaged in
③  used up
④  taken up
【单选题】 The question came up at the meeting ___ we had enough money for our research.
①  that
②  which
③  whether
④  if
【单选题】 It has been proposed that we ____ our decision until the next meeting.
①  delayed
②  delay
③  can delay
④  are to delay
【单选题】 It has been proposed that we _____our decision until the next meeting.
①  delayed
②  delay
③  can delay
④  are to delay
【单选题】 露天施工的混凝土工程,当处于低温条件下<5℃时不宜选用()水泥。  
①  硅酸盐  
②  粉煤灰  
③  普通  
④  高铝
【单选题】 具有调节室内湿度的材料为()。  
①  石膏  
②  石灰  
③  膨胀水泥  
④  水玻璃
【判断题】 在满足使用要求的前提下,应尽量使用较大牌号的石油沥青,以保证较长使用年限。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 砂浆的保水性是采用()来表示的。  
①  稠度  
②  坍落度  
③  维勃时间  
④  分层度
【单选题】 砂浆保水性的改善可以采用(  )的办法。
①  增加水泥用量
②  减少单位用水量
③  加入生石灰
④  加入粉煤灰
【单选题】 各硅酸盐水泥熟料反应速度的特点是:硅酸三钙(),铝酸三钙(),硅酸二钙()。
①  最快最慢中等
②  最慢中等最快
③  中等最慢最快
④  中等最快最慢
【单选题】 孔隙率增大,材料的()降低。  
①  密度    
②  表观密度    
③  憎水性    
④  抗冻性
【单选题】 砂浆的保水性是采用(  )来表示的。
①  稠度
②  坍落度
③  维勃时间
④  分层度
【单选题】 (  )是决定沥青粘滞性的技术指标。
①  针入度
②  延度
③  软化点
④  标准粘度
【单选题】 ()是沥青标号划分的主要依据。  
①  针入度  
②  软化点  
③  沥青质含量  
④  含硫量