After so many years, he still ____ the hope that his lost son would return one day.
clang to
clung to
inclined to
subjected to

【单选题】 When he came back after an absence of 20 years, he found his hometown completely ____. ?
①  changing ?
②  to be changed ?
③  to change ?
④  changed ?
【单选题】 — The old man wouldn’ t stay at home for a rest even if it rained. —_____. He would feel sick if he stayed home for one day.
①  So would my grandpa
②  So wouldn’ t my grandpa
③  Neither would my grandpa
④  Nor wouldn’ t my grandpa
【单选题】 ____ he tried his best , he still failed the examination.
①  Although
②  Even although
③  However
④  Because
【单选题】 _______ he tried his best, he still failed the examination.
①  Although
②  Even although
③  However
④  Because
【单选题】 22. One day while Mr. King was working, he had a/an ____: his left leg was badly injured.
①  business
②  accident
③  matter
④  event
【单选题】 I am so tired that I spend one day _______.
①  to sleep
②  sleeping
③  sleeps
【单选题】 When Mr. Jones gets old, he will ____ his business to his son.
①  take over
②  hand over
③  think over
④  get over
【单选题】 On his next birthday he () married for ten years.
①  has been
②  will be
③  will have been
④  would have been
【单选题】 That day he ___________ his clothes before he came to see me.
①  has washed
②  washed
③  had been washing
④  was washed
【单选题】 That day he ___ his clothes before he came to see me.
①  has washed
②  washed
③  had been washing
④  was washed
【判断题】 “兴趣是最好的老师。”在教学实践中我深深地体会到课堂提问是唤起学生求知欲的一条有效途径
①  正确
②  错误
【多选题】 生物学研究中的意义().
①  A.用于绘制基因缺失图谱和进行基因表达分析
②  B.用于基因突变研究
③  C.用于病毒病原体的检测和基因分型
④  D.用于细菌检测
【多选题】 数学期望的基本性质有()。
①  A.E(c)=c
②  B.E(cX)=c2E(X)
③  C.E (XY)=E(X)E(Y)
④  D.E(XY)=E(X)·E(Y)
【多选题】 数学决策方法包括()。
①  A.专家选择法
②  B.配送定位法
③  C.解析法
④  D.生产定位位
【多选题】 评价多媒体可见质量优劣时常用的指标有()
①  A科学性
②  B教育性
③  C技术性
④  D艺术性
【多选题】 教育公平是指()
①  A相对的
②  B逐步提升的
③  C动态的
④  D绝对公平的
【单选题】 转氨基作用之所以不是氨基酸的主要脱氨基方式是由于().
①  A.转氨酶在生物体内分布不广泛
②  B.转氨酶的专一性强,只作用与少数氨基酸
③  C.其辅助因子极易丢失
④  D.转氨酶只催化氨基的转移,而没有生成游离的NH3
【单选题】 高中数学课程是义务教育阶段后普通高级中学的主要课程,具有()。
①  A.基础性、选择性和发展性
②  B.基础性、选择性和实践性
③  C.基础性、实践性和创新性
④  D.基础性、选择性和普适性
【单选题】 教育技术学的研究对象是()
①  A媒体技术
②  B资源开发技术
③  C教育技术
④  D教学方法与手段
【单选题】 教师可选定一个学生的屏幕及声音转播给其它学生,增加学生对教学的参与感—描述的是网络教室的()功能
①  A学生师范
②  B屏幕监视
③  C交互控制
④  D广播功能