Although they had suffered heavy losses, they refused to ____ defeat.
【单选题】 My grandfather had suffered from cancer for two years. It was no surprise when I was told that he had _____.
①  passed off
②  passed away
③  passed by
④  passed over
【单选题】 She got married although her parents had not given her their ___.
①  allowance
②  consent
③  permit
④  appreciation
【单选题】 、Although he had looked through all the reference material on the subject, he still found it hard to understand this point and her explanation only ____ to his confusion.
①  extended
②  amounted
③  added
④  turned
【单选题】 The building suffered ____ damage as a result of the big fire.
①  moderate
②  considerable
③  considerate
④  concrete
【单选题】 _______ my parents refused to support me, I have to earn money by myself.
①  When
②  Even
③  Since
④  So
【单选题】 The travellers have suffered many hardships and ____________ many difficulties.
①  undergo
②  undergoes
③  undergone
④  underwent
【判断题】 It rained heavy yesterday.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 Although ____ Spanish, he attended the course.
①  he was knowing
②  he is knowing
③  having a knowledge of
④  knows
【判断题】 Guangdong food is heavy and greasy.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 The rain was heavy and ____ the land was flooded.
①  consequently
②  continuously
③  constantly
④  consistently
【单选题】 中央银行的负债是中央银行对社会各集团和个人持有的债权。
【单选题】 中央银行最基本的业务原则( )
①  非盈利性原则
②  流动性原则
③  主动性原则
④  必须服从于履行职责的需要
【单选题】 货币发行证券准备不包括( )。
①  短期商业票据
②  企业债券
③  国库券
④  短期政府公债
【单选题】 中央银行的负债业务主要有( )。
①  再贴现业务、货币发行业务、存款业务、资本业务和其他负债业务
②  有价证券业务、货币发行业务、存款业务、资本业务和其他负债业务
③  货币发行业务、存款业务、资本业务和其他负债业务
④  存款业务、资本业务和其他负债业务
【单选题】 中央银行的业务,是中央银行职能的体现.再贷款业务是中央银行的( )。
①  负债业务
②  资产业务
③  中间业务
④  表外业务
【单选题】 我国货币政策的最终决策权在( )
①  人民银行
②  财政部
③  人民代表大会
④  国务院
【单选题】 货币政策在对宏观经济领域发挥作用时,其目标不包括( )。
①  物价稳定
②  经济增长
③  充分就业
④  政治稳定
⑤  平衡国际收支
【单选题】 短期市场利率能够反映市场资金供求状况,且变动灵活,因此,通常将其作为中央银行货币政策的( )。
①  最终目标
②  中间目标
③  传统工具
④  特殊工具
【单选题】 货币政策的首要目标是( )
①  经济增长
②  物价稳定
③  充分就业
④  国际收支平衡
【单选题】 如果中央银行需要增加货币投放,刺激经济增长,则可提高再贴现率。