【判断题】 操作风险的定量评估既可采取自上而下法,也可采取自下而上法
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 随着预算执行不断补充预算,但始终保持一个固定预算期长度的预算编制方法是( )。
①  弹性预算法
②  零基预算法
③  滚动预算法
④  定期预算法
【单选题】 随着预算执行不断补充预算,但始终保持一个固定预算期长度的预算编制方法是( )。
①  弱性预算法
②  零基预算法
③  滚动预算法
④  定期预算法
【多选题】 现金预算是各有关现金收支预算的汇总,通常包括()四个组成部分。
①  现金收入
②  现金支出
③  现金结余或不足
④  资金的筹集与应用
⑤  资金的分配
【判断题】 室外装饰工程施工方案可采取自上而下或自下而上的施工方案。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 日常业务预算中,唯一仅以数量形式反映预算期内有关产品生产数量和品种构成的预算是
①  成本预算
②  销售预算
③  生产预算
④  零基预算
【判断题】 部门预算是市场经济国家比较通行的预算编制方法
①  正确
②  错误
【多选题】 县级以上人民政府有关部门实施生物安全监督检查,可以依法采取( )措施。
①  向有关单位和个人了解情况
②  查阅、复制有关文件、资料、档案、记录、凭证等
③  查封涉嫌实施生物安全违法行为的场所、设施
④  扣押涉嫌实施生物安全违法行为的工具、设备以及相关物品
【多选题】 为克服定期预算的缺陷,可采用(  )方法编制预算。
①  增量预算
②  永续预算
③  连续预算
④  滚动预算
⑤  弹性预算
【判断题】 仲裁协议可以采取口头形式,也可以采取书面形式。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 Davids mother was unstable and _______ .
①  windy
②  moody
③  speedy
④  handy
【单选题】 The planes have to _______ strict safety checks.
①  encounter
②  undergo
③  evaluate
④  wonder
【单选题】 _______ Tom ________ Mary can help me, for they are very busy.
①  Either;or
②  Neither;nor
③  Both;and
④  whether;or
【单选题】 it has been revealed that some government leaders _____ their authority and position to getillegal profits for themselves.
①  employ
②  take
③  abuse
④  overlook
【单选题】 In the wife’s eyes, his _____ to their marriage life is far from perfect.
①  requirement
②  commitment
③  participation
④  reflection
【单选题】 I think the private ownership of guns is a _______mistake.
①  wonderful
②  great
③  tragic
④  romantic
【单选题】 America has a lot of _______ weapons now.
①  aggressive
②  expensive
③  passive
④  expressive
【单选题】 My grandfather had suffered from cancer for two years. It was no surprise when I was told that he had _____.
①  passed off
②  passed away
③  passed by
④  passed over
【单选题】 Not only ______ our money, but we were also in danger of losing our lives.
①  we lost
②  lost we
③  we did lose
④  did we lose
【单选题】 We are going to have a singing party tonight. Would you like to join us?___________
①  I’m afraid not, because I have to go to an important meeting.
②  Of course not. I have no idea.
③  No, I can’t.
④  That’s all set.