Direction: Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form if necessary.[hug; flatten; ancestor; amazing; solemnly; comfort; awful; desperately; uproot; cousin]5.[填空1]him, for he is sad.
【简答题】 Direction: Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form if necessary.[hug; flatten; ancestor; amazing; solemnly; comfort; awful; desperately; uproot; cousin]1. The conference was[填空1]opened yesterday.
【简答题】 Direction: Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form if necessary.[hug; flatten; ancestor; amazing; solemnly; comfort; awful; desperately; uproot; cousin]8. I asked if he employed someone to do this[填空1]job for him.
【简答题】 Direction: Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form if necessary.[hug; flatten; ancestor; amazing; solemnly; comfort; awful; desperately; uproot; cousin]4.They resisted[填空1]and won the battle in the end.
【简答题】 Direction: Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form if necessary.[hug; flatten; ancestor; amazing; solemnly; comfort; awful; desperately; uproot; cousin]2. Dont hate the new roommate. Hes my[填空1].
【填空题】 Direction: Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form if necessary.[hug; flatten; ancestor; amazing; solemnly; comfort; awful; desperately; uproot; cousin]9. The government were to[填空1]all its troops from the region.
【简答题】 Direction: Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form if necessary.[hug; flatten; ancestor; amazing; solemnly; comfort; awful; desperately; uproot; cousin]7. Extending your tongue helps[填空1]the back of your tongue.
【简答题】 Direction: Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form if necessary.[hug; flatten; ancestor; amazing; solemnly; comfort; awful; desperately; uproot; cousin]3. Whether its a dead[填空1]or God, whatever supernatural agent it is, if you think theyre watching you, your behavior is going to be affected.
【简答题】 Direction: Fill in the blanks with thephrases given below. Change the form if necessary.[sell out; in other words; consist of; stand for; rely on; demand for; engage in; at hand; yield to; confront with]5. He came to realize that he had nobody to[填空1]but himself.
【简答题】 Direction: Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form if necessary.[dodge; mean; tease; disability; regular; bonus; proclaim; universal]3. That is a[填空1]trick!
【简答题】 Direction: Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form if necessary.[chore; talent; crowded; earnings; finance; festive; memorable; sacrifice; smash; reproduction]5. She views physical exercise primarily as an unavoidable[填空1].
【单选题】 如果一国经济起先处于内处均衡状况,现在出口额有了大幅度的提高,可能出现的情况为()
①  出现过度需求,引起国内通货膨胀
②  本国产品价格下降,有利于提高同类商品的国际竞争能力,出口持续增长
③  促进新的生产能力开成,供给将增加,从而提高总产出水平
④  出口会随之增加,使国际收支恢复平衡
【单选题】 在下列情况下,乘数最大的为()
①  封闭型国家的边际消费倾向是0.6
②  封闭型国家的边际储蓄倾向是0.3
③  开放型国家的边际消费倾向是0.8,边际出口倾向是0.2
④  开放型国家的边际消费倾向是0.3,边际出口倾向是0.2
【多选题】 在凯恩斯区域内,( )。
①  货币政策有效
②  财政政策有效
③  货币政策无效
④  财政政策无效
⑤  货币政策与财政政策同样有效
【多选题】 宏观经济政策的目标是 ( )。
①  充分就业
②  物价稳定
③  经济增长
④  国际收支平衡
⑤  以上四者同时实现
【多选题】 在经济过热时,政府应该 ( )。
①  减少政府财政支出
②  增加财政支出
③  增加税收
④  减少税收
⑤  减少货币供给量
【多选题】 在经济萧条时期,政府实施货币政策时,应 ( )。
①  增加商业银行的准备金
②  中央银行在公开市场买进政府债券
③  中央银行在公开市场卖出政府债券
④  降低再贴现率
⑤  提高再贴现率
【多选题】 假如中央银行在公开市场上大量购买政府债券,会出现哪种情况?( )。
①  利息率下降
②  储蓄减少
③  收入增加
④  投资增加
⑤  储蓄增加
【单选题】 在开放经济中决定国内国内生产总值水平的总需求是( )
①  国内总需求
②  对国内产品的总需求
③  国内支出
④  消费与投资之和
【单选题】 开放经济中的乘数:( )
①  进口与国内生产总值之间的关系
②  进口与出口之间的关系
③  进口与价格水平之间的关系
④  进口与汇率之间的关系
【单选题】 在开放经济中,国内总需求的增加将引起:( )
①  国内生产总值增加,贸易收支状况改善
②  国内生产总值增加,贸易收支状况恶化
③  国内生产总值增加,贸易收支状况不变
④  国内生产总值减少,贸易收支状况改善