Directions: Fill in the blanks with the phrases given below. Change the form if necessary.[comprise of; vote for; access to; wake up; be hooked to; in the long run; work at; to ones joy; pay off; be associated with]3. You might not expect such a frightening dream to[填空1]something joyful.
【简答题】 Directions: Fill in the blanks with the phrases given below. Change the form if necessary.[comprise of; vote for; access to; wake up; be hooked to; in the long run; work at; to ones joy; pay off; be associated with]8. But[填空1]it is as inevitable as changes in the weather.
【简答题】 Directions: Fill in the blanks with the phrases given below. Change the form if necessary.[comprise of; vote for; access to; wake up; be hooked to; in the long run; work at; to ones joy; pay off; be associated with]9. Now its your turn to talk. Are you[填空1]the Internet?
【简答题】 Directions: Fill in the blanks with the phrases given below. Change the form if necessary.[comprise of; vote for; access to; wake up; be hooked to; in the long run; work at; to ones joy; pay off; be associated with]5. He[填空1]in the morning to find himself alone in the house.
【简答题】 Directions: Fill in the blanks with the phrases given below. Change the form if necessary.[comprise of; vote for; access to; wake up; be hooked to; in the long run; work at; to ones joy; pay off; be associated with]1. Learning a foreign language may be difficult at the beginning, but your hard work will[填空1].
【简答题】 Directions: Fill in the blanks with the phrases given below. Change the form if necessary.[comprise of; vote for; access to; wake up; be hooked to; in the long run; work at; to ones joy; pay off; be associated with]2. The assignments for the course[填空1]computer-aided design problems.
【简答题】 Directions: Fill in the blanks with the phrases given below. Change the form if necessary.[comprise of; vote for; access to; wake up; be hooked to; in the long run; work at; to ones joy; pay off; be associated with]6. Here, the people[填空1]the electors from states who then choose the president.
【简答题】 Direction: Fill in the blanks with the phrases given below. Change the form if necessary.[have access to; go off; desperate for; put up with; always the case; give advice; concentrate on; arrive at; make an effort; come in handy]3. This means that across the country all students will[填空1]computers.
【简答题】 Direction: Fill in the blanks with the phrases given below. Change the form if necessary.[have access to; go off; desperate for; put up with; always the case; give advice; concentrate on; arrive at; make an effort; come in handy]9. But in reality this is not[填空1].
【简答题】 Directions: Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form if necessary.(pros and cons; allocation; update; complexity; infancy; initially; minimal;strategically; grab; digest)3. So how do you manage this[填空1].
【简答题】 Direction: Fill in the blanks with the phrases given below. Change the form if necessary.[collide with; take hold of; for a moment; head for; ever since; be full of; share with; make fun of]3. Dont[填空1]the disabled!
【判断题】 报盘是指证券经纪商接到投资者的委托指令后,将投资者委托指令的内容传送到证券交易所进行撮合。(  )
【判断题】 《证券账户管理规则》规定,中国结算公司对证券账户实施统一管理,投资者证券账户由中国结算公司上海分公司、深圳分公司及中国结算公司委托的开户代理机构负责开立。(  )
【判断题】 人民币普通股票账户简称“A股账户”,其开立仅限于国家法律法规和行政规章允许买卖A股的境内投资者和合格境外机构投资者。(  )
【判断题】 柜台委托是指委托人亲自或由其代理人到证券经纪商交易柜台,根据委托程序和必需的证件采用书面方式表达委托意向,由本人填写委托单并签章的形式。(  )
【判断题】 客户在买卖上海证券交易所上市的证券时,必须填写在中国证券登记结算有限责任公司上海分公司开设的证券账户号码。(  )
【判断题】 市价申报只适用于有价格涨跌幅限制证券连续竞价期间的交易。(  )
【判断题】 委托指令有效期一般有当日有效与约定日有效两种。(  )
【判断题】 集合竞价中未能成交的委托,当日不再进入连续竞价。(  )
【单选题】 某人投资某债券,买入价格为100元,一年后卖出价格为110元,期间获得利息收入10元,则该投资的持有期收益率为(  )。
①  10%
②  20%
③  9.1%
④  8.2%
【单选题】 中国人民银行授权外汇交易中心对外每日公布人民币对美元、欧元等的(  )。
①  买入价
②  中间价
③  卖出价
④  买入价、卖出价和中间价