Shes determined [填空] there
to go
【单选题】 ---Are you going there with them ? ----If you go,__________.
①  I also go
②  so do I
③  so I will
④  so will I
【单选题】 I am going away. or not she will go is up to her to decide.
①  if
②  which
③  whether
④  that
【单选题】 He is so kind and easy-going that the kids go _______ him in a big way.
①  for
②  to
③  with
④  off
【单选题】 How are you going? -------[填空] train or [填空] plane?
①  by
②  on
③  at
④  in
【单选题】 Are you going to do it [填空] second time?
①  the
②  an
③  a
④  /
【单选题】 A: What about going for a walk? B: [填空].
①  Thats all right
②  Walking is good to you
③  Why not? A good idea
④  Its up to you
【单选题】 Who [填空] to go shopping?
①  want
②  wants
③  wanted
④  is wanting
【单选题】 I often go to work on [填空].
①  foot
②  feet
③  foots
④  feets
【单选题】 He’s going to [填空] her some flowers.
①  buy
②  bought
③  buying
④  offering
【单选题】 A: Im going to ask for a pay rise. B: [填空]
①  I think you cant do it.
②  Let me pay for it
③  I think you may talk to your boss
④  I dont think you are worth.
【单选题】 评价人工主动脉瓣明显狭窄的多普勒参数?
①  <3 m/s
②  <3.5 m/s
③  3.0-4.0 m/s
④  >4.0 m/s
【单选题】 评价人工主动脉瓣明显狭窄的有效瓣口面积?
①  <0.8cm2
②  <0.5cm2
③  <1.0cm2
④  <1.2cm2
【单选题】 评估轻度瓣周漏的瓣周漏占瓣周的百分比是多少?
①  <5%
②  <10%
③  <15%
④  <20%
【单选题】 评价人工二尖瓣正常的压力半降时间?
①  <100ms
②  <130ms
③  <200ms
④  >150ms
【单选题】 评价人工二尖瓣明显狭窄的E峰速度?
①  >1.5m/s
②  >2.0m/s
③  >2.5m/s
④  >3.0m/s
【单选题】 原发性胆管结石下降的主要原因
①  生活条件改善
②  超声检查
③  胆系感染得到有效控制
④  CT检查
⑤  脂肪肝人群增加
【单选题】 原发性胆管结石是什么类型的结石
①  胆固醇性
②  胆色素性
③  胆盐性
④  混合性
⑤  钙盐性
【单选题】 与肝内胆管结石形成直接相关的免疫球蛋白
①  IgA
②  IgM
③  IgD
④  IgG
⑤  IgE
【单选题】 良性胆道疾病患者死亡的首要原因
①  胆系感染
②  胆道蛔虫
③  胆囊结石
④  化脓性胆管炎
⑤  肝内胆管结石
【多选题】 肝内胆管结石的微创治疗的优势
①  创伤小
②  保护肝功能
③  重复性好
④  治疗结石彻底