It never snows in Kunming, [填空]?
isnt it
is it
does it
doesnt it
【单选题】 He never does his homework [填空] others.
①  so careful as
②  as carefully as
③  carefully as
④  as careful as
【单选题】 the fact()we may not be able to directly assist you does not mean your complaint isnt valid.
①  which
②  whom
③  who
④  that
【单选题】 A deer has four [填空] , doesnt it?
①  foots
②  feet
③  feets
④  foot
【单选题】 This isnt her ruler. [填空] is yellow.
①  That
②  These
③  Those
④  She
【单选题】 What does Lily [填空]?
①  look like
②  like
③  look
④  looks like
【单选题】 Lilei never [填空] a decision.
①  make
②  to make
③  making
④  makes
【单选题】 A: This meal is on me. [填空]. B: Thanks, but isnt it my turn to treat you?
①  Its none of your business
②  Ill treat you
③  My pleasure
④  I invite you
【单选题】 A: Does this bus go to the bookstore?B:[填空].
①  The bus is so crowded
②  No. Youd better change at the next stop
③  The bookstore is five blocks away
④  You should wait in line
【单选题】 Does Tim often play [填空] basketball after [填空] school?
①  /,/
②  /,the
③  the,/
④  a,//
【单选题】 Mike?does?his?homework?[填空]?seven?[填空]?nine.
①  on;?to
②  ?at;?in
③  ?from;?to
④  at;?on
【单选题】 不宜用热疗的患者是
①  鼻周围细菌感染
②  体温过低
③  胃肠痉挛
④  腰肌劳损
⑤  痛经
【单选题】 下述给氧方法正确的是
①  用氧时,先插入鼻导管再调节氧流量
②  停用氧时,先拔出鼻导管再关闭氧气开关
③  氧气筒距暖气至少5米
④  氧气筒内压力至少保留0.5Pa
⑤  氧气表螺丝口上应涂润滑油
【单选题】 患者田某,肺炎4天,持续发热,每日体温波动范围均为39~41℃,该患者的热型为
①  不规则热
②  稽留热
③  弛张热
④  间歇热
⑤  波浪热
【单选题】 下列可测口温的患者是
①  精神病患者
②  支气管哮喘发作时
③  昏迷患者
④  婴儿
⑤  痔疮术后
【单选题】 患者李某,卧床多日,臀部皮肤红、肿,皮下有硬结,有小水泡,患者诉疼痛,该患者为
①  压疮瘀血红润期
②  压疮炎症浸润期
③  压疮溃疡期
④  局部皮肤感染
⑤  压疮前期
【单选题】 胎膜早破的孕妇应采用的卧位是
①  头低足高位
②  头高足低位
③  屈膝仰卧位
④  侧卧位
⑤  截石位
【单选题】 患者李某,下楼不慎致踝关节扭伤,一小时来院就诊,下列处理措施正确的是
①  热敷
②  冷敷
③  热水足浴
④  冷热敷交替
⑤  按摩推拿
【单选题】 用煮沸法消毒物品,下列错误的是
①  水沸后放金属物品
②  水沸后放橡胶管
③  冷水放入玻璃制品
④  空腔导管预先灌水
⑤  放入物品不超过总容量的3/4
【单选题】 吸痰导管应
①  每4小时更换一次
②  每6小时更换一次
③  每8小时更换一次
④  每12小时更换一次
⑤  每次使用后更换
【单选题】 遇有真菌感染的患者,口腔护理应用的漱口液是
①  2%~3%硼酸
②  1%~4%碳酸氢钠
③  0.9%氯化钠
④  0.1%醋酸
⑤  1%醋酸