Mother who takes care of everybody is usually the most ___considerate___ person in each family.
【判断题】 判断线上的内容是否正确:Mother who takes care of everybody is usually the most ___considerate___ person in each family.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 Kirsten is the mother of her students. Here mother takes the [] meaning.
①  denotative
②  connotative
【单选题】 A ____ is a person who ____ _____.
①  crime; commit; criminal
②  commit; criminal; crimes
③  commit; crimes; criminal
④  criminal; commits; crimes
【单选题】 You need [填空] good care of your mother.
①  to take
②  take
③  taking
④  took
【单选题】 The concert usually takes place at the People’s Square, with the audience __________on the groun@@
①  seating
②  seated
③  be seating
④  to seat
【单选题】 Suits are usually made ( ) woolen cloth. People can wear a suit most of the year.
①  from
②  of
③  in
④  at
【单选题】 As these machines are precision instruments which cannot stand rough handling, the wording” Handle with Care” should be also marked ____ each case.
①  on
②  in
③  with
④  into
【单选题】 A ____ person is one who is easily hurt or offended by things that people do or say.
①  sensitive
②  sensible
③  smar
④  wise
【单选题】 A(n)____ person is one who has much knowledge and the ability to use it well.
①  smart
②  intelligent
③  clever
④  wise
【单选题】 Thats pretty good that you get up and go running, but I ______ like running early in the morning since I’ve got to prepare breakfast for my family.
①  have a good time
②  have a hard time
③  have time
④  have much time
【单选题】 墙体中构造柱的最小断面尺寸为( )。
①  120x180mm
②  180x240mmmm
③  200mmx300 mm
④  24mmx370mm
【单选题】 自动扶梯的坡度一般采用( )。
①  10
②  20
③  30
④  45
【单选题】 铝合金窗产品系列名称是按( )来区分的。
①  窗框长度尺寸
②  窗框宽度尺寸
③  窗框厚度尺寸
④  窗框高度尺寸
【单选题】 预制钢筋混凝土楼板间应留缝隙的原因是 ( )。
①  板宽规格的限制,实际尺寸小于标志尺寸。
②  有利于预制板的制作。
③  有利于加强板的强度。
④  有利于房屋整体性的提高。
【单选题】 为了减少木窗框料靠墙一面因受潮而变形,常在木框背后开( )。
①  背槽
②  裁口
③  积水槽
④  回风槽
【单选题】 在倒铺保温层屋面体系中,所用的保温材料为( )。
①  膨胀珍珠岩板块
②  散料保温材料
③  聚苯乙烯
④  加气混凝土
【单选题】 民用建筑的主要楼梯一般布置在( )。
①  建筑物次要入口附近
②  门厅中位置明显的部位
③  一定要在房屋的中间部位
④  一定要在房屋的端部
【单选题】 屋面排水分区的大小一般按一个雨水口负担( )屋面面积的雨水考虑。
①  100㎡
②  150㎡
③  200㎡
④  300㎡
【单选题】 瓦屋面的承重构件主要有( )
①  屋架,檩条
②  挂瓦条,椽子
③  屋架,椽子
④  檩条,椽子
【单选题】 楼梯的连续踏步阶数最多不超过多少级?( )
①  28
②  32
③  18
④  12