These two chemicals ____interact_____ with each other at a certain temperature to produce a substance which could cause an explosion.

【判断题】 判断线上的内容是否正确:These two chemicals ____interact_____ with each other at a certain temperature to produce a substance which could cause an explosion.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 So little ____ with each other that the neighbors could not settle their difference.
①  agreed did they
②  did they agree
③  they agree
④  they did agree
【单选题】 22. The two old sisters,_______ so long,held each other and burst into tears.
①  beingseparated
②  havingbeenseparated
③  havingsepartated
④  hadbeensepartated
【单选题】 Tom and Mary ___________ each other.
①  keep apart
②  are in love with
③  none other than
④  in a whisper
【单选题】 When I took his temperature, it was two degrees above ___.
①  average
②  ordinary
③  regular
④  normal
【单选题】 Sometimes they discuss [填空] each other.
①  to
②  at
③  with
④  against
【判断题】 答题说明:句子没有语法错误请选择“正确”,有语法错误请选择“错误”Each explorer took large amounts of equipments, food and other suppliers.
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 答题说明:句子没有语法错误请选择“正确”,有语法错误请选择“错误”Of these two books, which one do you like best?
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 9. They have ______ each other for a long time.
①  corresponded on
②  corresponded with
③  communicated with
④  kept writing
【单选题】 Let’s share the desk [填空] each other.
①  to
②  at
③  with
④  against
【单选题】 王主任将要进行一场支气管镜手术,作为该手术的主刀医生,他应该站在病人的:
①  床头
②  床右
③  床左
④  床尾
【单选题】 对支气管镜手术前的用药表述,错误的是:
①  应建立输液通道
②  为便于手术的快速进行,应使用阿托品等抑制呼吸道分泌的药物
③  患者极度紧张恐惧,可使用苯巴比妥100mg
④  时刻对患者的血压,心电,呼吸及血氧饱和度进行观察
【单选题】 下列哪个不是支气管镜的常用进镜方式?
①  经鼻
②  经口
③  经腹部
④  经T型管
【单选题】 下列哪项不是纤维支气管镜治疗的常见并发症()
①  气道出血
②  喉头水肿
③  支气管痉挛
④  气胸
⑤  麻醉药过敏
【单选题】 气管插管或气管切开患者行床旁纤维支气管镜采样时,下列哪项准备不正确()
①  术前禁食4~6小时
②  常规行心电图、呼吸、血压及氧合等监测
③  术前常规静脉给予镇静
④  一般需仰卧位
⑤  调整吸入氧浓度至100%,一般不调整PEEP
【单选题】 当怀疑以下哪种肺部疾病时,支气管镜检查最有意义()
①  支气管扩张症
②  浸润型肺结核
③  肺脓肿
④  中心型肺癌
⑤  慢性支气管炎
【单选题】 气管镜检查的方位标志是()
①  气管分叉
②  声门裂
③  气管隆嵴
④  左主支气管
⑤  右主支气管
【单选题】 凡进入人体自然通道与管腔黏膜接触的内镜及其附件,如喉镜、气管镜、支气管镜、胃镜、肠镜、乙状结肠镜、直肠镜等,用前应达到()
①  灭菌水平
②  高效消毒
③  中效消毒
④  低效消毒
⑤  清洁水平
【单选题】 对使用镇静剂的患者,应口头或书面建议其在()内不要驾车,签署法律文件或操作机械设备
①  24h
②  20h
③  16h
④  12h
【单选题】 支气管镜检查前()开始禁食,()开始禁饮水
①  4h,2h
②  6h,2h
③  6h,4h
④  12h,2h
⑤  8h,2h