【单选题】 在保持入射光波长和缝屏距离不变的情况下,将杨氏双缝的缝距减小,则()
①  干涉条纹宽度将变大
②  干涉条纹宽度将变小
③  干涉条纹宽度将保持不变
④  给定区域内干涉条纹数目将增加
【单选题】 波长λ=5000的单色光垂直照射到宽度a=0.25mm的单缝上,单缝后面放置一凸透镜,在凸透镜的焦面上放置一屏幕,用以观测衍射条纹,今测得屏幕上中央条纹一侧第三个暗条纹和另一侧第三个暗条纹之间的距离为d=12mm,则凸透镜的焦距为()。
①  2m
②  1m
③  0.5m
④  0.2m
⑤  0.1m
【判断题】 在分子荧光光谱法中,?增加入射光的强度,?测量灵敏度增加。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 在双缝干涉实验中,为使屏上的干涉条纹间距变大,可以采取的办法是()。
①  使屏靠近双缝
②  使两缝的间距变小
③  使两缝的间距变大
④  改用波长较小的单色光源
【单选题】 双缝干涉实验中,如果拉大光屏与双缝之间的距离D,则条纹间距x将()。
①  不变
②  变小
③  变大
④  不能确定
【单选题】 在单缝夫琅和费衍射中,与低级数的衍射条纹相比,高级数的衍射条纹对应着单缝处的半波带数()
①  更多
②  更少
③  不变
④  不确定
【单选题】 在分光光度法中,运用朗伯-比尔定律进行定量分析采用的入射光为
①  白光
②  单色光
③  可见光
④  紫外光
【单选题】 光从真空射入水中,下列物理量不变的是()。
①  速度
②  频率
③  波长
④  波长和周期
【单选题】 欲增大电压继电器的返回系数,应采取的方法是().
①  A.减小非磁性垫片厚度
②  B.增加衔铁释放后的气隙
③  C.增加非磁性垫片厚度
④  D.减小衔铁释放后的气隙
【单选题】 砖墙的水平缝厚度与竖向缝宽度变化范围通常控制在:( )
①  6~8mm
②  8~12mm
③  12~14mm
④  >14mm
【单选题】 A: What do you think of the book? B: [填空].
①  Its very interesting
②  I like it very much
③  I dont know the title
④  Its a pleasure
【单选题】 A: Its getting late. Im afraid I must be going now. B: Ok. [填空].
①  See you
②  Take it easy
③  Go slowly
④  Stay long
【单选题】 A: [填空]? B: Do you have a doll?
①  What do you want to sell
②  Shall I help you
③  Do you like a doll
④  What can I do for you
【单选题】 A: Im having a barbecue next Saturday. [填空]. B: Sure. That would be wonderful. What time?
①  I have invited some of my friends to come
②  Will you be free at that time?
③  Im looking forward to it
④  I was wondering if youd like to come
【单选题】 A: Ive got your invitation. B: Oh, good. [填空]
①  Thanks a lot.
②  Ill take it.
③  Can you come?
④  May I help you?
【单选题】 A: Would you mind if I turned the radio off? B: [填空].
①  Yes, please
②  No, go right ahead
③  Yes, thats all right
④  No, thank you
【单选题】 A: Would you like some wine? B: Yes, just [填空].
①  little
②  very little
③  a little
④  little bit
【单选题】 A: Would you like another cup of tea? B: Ive enough. [填空].
①  I would eat anything
②  Thank you by the way
③  Thank you all the same
④  No, anything will do
【单选题】 A: How far is the airport from here? B: [填空].
①  You can take a taxi
②  Ill fly to Paris
③  Its only six hundred dollars
④  Its about thirty miles
【单选题】 A: Excuse me, how much is the dress? B: Its €100. [填空]
①  Which do you prefer?
②  Oh, no. Thats OK!
③  How do you like it?
④  Would you like to try it on?