【单选题】 人身权不具有财产内容,所以
①  人身权损害不能用金钱赔偿
②  任何一项人身权都不得有偿转让
③  对人身权造成损害不会影响主体的财产利益
④  侵害人身权的民事责任不以损害赔偿为原则
【单选题】 人身权不具有财产内容,所以( )。
①  人身权损害不能用金钱赔偿
②  任何一项人身权都不得有偿转让
③  对人身权造成损害不会影响主体的财产利益
④  侵害人身权的民事责任不以损害赔偿为原则
【单选题】 专利权人欲放弃其专利权,那么,根据我国专利法规定,专利权人可以?
①  提出放弃专利权的声明,由专利局登记和公告
②  提出放弃专利权的书面声明,由专利局登记和公告
③  提出放弃专利权的口头声明,由专利局登记和公告
④  提出放弃专利权的书面声明,由专利局批准并公告。
【判断题】 专利权是一种知识产权,它具有狭义知识产权的全部特性
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 著作权与专利权虽然同属于知识产权范围,但?
①  前者没有时间限制,而后者具有严格的时间限制
②  前者必须经审查才能取得,后者实行自动取得
③  前者涉及文学艺术领域,后者涉及工业产权领域
④  著作权强调新颖性,专利权却强调实用性
【多选题】 可以自主转让专利权的专利权主体有()
①  全民所有制企业
②  集体所有制企业
③  私营企业
④  外商投资企业
⑤  中国单位或个人向外国人转让
【单选题】 有关专利权的期限,错误的说法是(  )。
①  专利权的期限即专利的有效期限
②  我国发明专利权的期限为20年
③  实用新型和外观设计的专利权的期限是20年
④  专利权均有申请日,即专利局收到专利申请之日起算
【单选题】 1992年的《专利法》修改延长了专利权期限,发明专利权的期限为(),实用新型专利权和外观设计专利权的期限为十年,均自申请日起计算。
①  十年
②  十五年
③  二十年
④  二十五年
【判断题】 专利权是一种有时限性的权利。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 人身权是一种非财产性权利,与财产权毫无关系。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 His parents did not approve of his plan to go and study abroad with a girl they had never met, but he ____ and married her.
①  went against
②  went for
③  went for nothing
④  went ahead
【单选题】 They ____ that the aging population is adding 1 per cent yearly to health service costs.
①  add
②  calculate
③  add to
④  calculate on
【单选题】 Our hopes ___ and fell in the same instant.
①  aroused
②  arose
③  raised
④  rose
【单选题】 In Africa, educational costs are very low for those who are ____ enough to get into universities.
①  ambitious
②  fortunate
③  aggressive
④  substantial
【单选题】 There were some ____ flowers on the table.
①  artificial
②  unnatural
③  false
④  unreal
【单选题】 This is the nurse who ____ to me when I was ill in hospital.
①  accompanied
②  attended
③  entertained
④  shielded
【单选题】 、Although he had looked through all the reference material on the subject, he still found it hard to understand this point and her explanation only ____ to his confusion.
①  extended
②  amounted
③  added
④  turned
【单选题】 Because women often ____ their diet to control weight, they may not consume enough iron-rich food, and are liable to experience a deficiency.
①  restrict
②  strict
③  stuck
④  construct
【单选题】 He was such a ____ speaker that he held our attention every minute of the three-hour lecture.
①  specific
②  dynamic
③  heroic
④  diplomatic
【单选题】 Radio, television and press ____ of conveying news as information.
①  are the most common three means
②  are the most three common means
③  are the three most common means
④  are three the most common means