She has a good _________ , she can remember long lists of numbers.
【单选题】 She has a good [填空] for detail.
①  foot
②  arm
③  eye
④  nose
【判断题】 Has she been listening? Yes, she has./ No, she hasn’t.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 She has breakfast at seven everyday, _____?
①  has she
②  hasn’ t she
③  does she
④  doesn’ t she
【多选题】 Your long-term memory_________ everything that you remember.
①  forgets
②  connects
③  contains
④  includes
【单选题】 Your long-term memory_________ everythingthat you remember.
①  concludes
②  conveys
③  closes
④  contains
【单选题】 She is good [填空] singing .
①  in
②  on
③  at
④  for
【判断题】 What?has she doing?
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 She happily deposits the money she has earned teaching English in her savings account. Find any misplaced modifier in the sentence
①  happily
②  she has earned
③  in her savings account
【单选题】 7. She is poor ______ she can hardly get anything to eat.
①  as much as
②  too much so that
③  so much so that
④  much more than
【单选题】 19.Though she talks little, she has made _______ friends here.
①  a few
②  few
③  littlle
④  a little
【单选题】 “ <img width="19" height="17" style="background: url(/project/js/ueditor/themes/default/images/word.gif) no-repeat center; border: 1px solid rgb(221, 221, 221);" src="/project/js/ueditor/themes/default/images/spacer.gif" word_img="file:///C:/Users/t410i/AppData/Local/Temp/msohtmlclip1/01/clip_image002.jpg"/>”是哪种装饰音的符号 ( )
①  波音
②  倚音
③  回音
【单选题】 《红梅赞》歌曲选自哪部歌剧( )
①  《伤逝》
②  《江姐》
③  《红珊瑚》
【单选题】 中国歌剧20世纪20年代从( )的创作开始萌芽。
①  聂耳的《扬子江暴风雨》
②  黎锦辉的儿童歌舞剧
③  延安鲁迅艺术学院集体创作的《白毛女》
【单选题】 在五声调式的基础上,加入两个偏音,就构成了七声调式音阶。七声调式有三类,即清乐音阶、雅乐音阶、燕乐音阶。以下为羽调雅乐音阶的是( )。
①  <img src="https://file.icve.com.cn/doc_public2/145/1003/245FADD890E334F432EBA98EA188CDDD.png" title="QQ图片20161009111855.png" alt="QQ图片20161009111855.png">
②  <img src="https://file.icve.com.cn/doc_public2/221/631/3749DE0DFBC46359EAC601F7DCE9AC99.png" title="QQ图片20161009111929.png" alt="QQ图片20161009111929.png">
③  <img src="https://file.icve.com.cn/doc_public2/123/898/1EEE0BF3066E5769FD87C994E90240B1.png" title="QQ图片20161009112011.png" alt="QQ图片20161009112011.png">
【单选题】 音高相同而音名各异的音叫做( )
①  复合音
②  等音
③  基音
④  乐音
【单选题】 根音到三音、三音到五音都是大三度的是()
①  大三和弦
②  小三和弦
③  增三和弦
④  减三和弦
【单选题】 大调中白键起始间插黑键的琶音除了 A大调和B大调之外还有( )
①  F和G大调
②  F和B大调
③  E和D大调
④  A和F大调
【单选题】 高音谱表中从下加一线开始依次往上到第三线的七个音分别是( )
①  c、d、e、f、g、a、b
②  c1、d1、e1、f1、g1、a1、b1
③  c2、d2、e2、f2、g2、a2、b2
【单选题】 下列属于小二度的音级关系是( )
①  Ⅴ→Ⅴ
②  Ⅰ→Ⅲ
③  Ⅶ→Ⅰ
④  Ⅱ→Ⅰ
【单选题】 声音轻巧、富有弹性的演奏方法是( )
①  连奏
②  断奏
③  跳奏