5.____the front door____, he had to enter the room through the back door.
Seen, painted
Seeing, painted
Being seen, being painted
Seeing, being painted
【单选题】 ____ the front door ____, he had to enter the room through the back door.
①  Seen; painted
②  Seeing; painted
③  Being seen; being painted
④  Seeing; being painted
【单选题】 ________the front door________,he had to enter the room through the back door.
①  Seen;painted
②  Seeing;painted
③  Being seen;being painted
④  Seeing;being painted
【单选题】 Zhang Hua opened the door .There______ he had never seen before.
①  did a girl stand
②  stood a girl
③  a girl stood
④  a girl did stand
【单选题】 He gambled ______ being able to buy a ticket at the last minute.
①  about
②  on
③  in
④  with
【单选题】 He looked at the little girl, _________ where he had seen her before.
①  wondering
②  wondered
【单选题】 No sooner had he sat down to lunch ____ there was a knock at the door.
①  when
②  that
③  as
④  than
【简答题】 Direction: Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form if necessary.[privilege; component; stagnant; entangle; superficial; arresting; expound; penetrating; indulge; click]8. The most[填空1]feature is the painted wall decoration.
【单选题】 “ Has he seen this film ? ” “Yes. He _________ it several days ago.”
①  saw
②  has seen
③  had seen
④  was seeing
【单选题】 Being the __________ sponsor of this competition, he has got great opportunities for advertising his products.
①  principal
②  chief
③  main
④  primary
【判断题】 The room’s door are very big.
①  正确
②  错误
【多选题】 净化空调系统调试和运转具备的条件有()
①  A.洁净室建筑装饰验收合格
②  B.各种管线吹扫及试压完成
③  C.空调设备系统联动完成
④  D.高效过滤器安装完成
⑤  E.风量,风压平和完成
【多选题】 降低焊接应力的正确措施有()。
①  A.构件设计时尽量减少焊接尺寸
②  B.将焊接集中在一个区域
③  C.焊接时采用较小的焊接线能量
④  D.焊接过程中,层间锤击
⑤  E.焊接前对构件进行整体预热
【多选题】 设备建造的内容有()。
①  A.审查制造单位的质量保证体系
②  B.审查原材料的质量证明书和复检报告
③  C.现场见证制造加工工艺
④  D.监督设备的集结和运输
⑤  E.施工现场设备的检验和试验
【单选题】 室内排水管道在管道及配件安装完毕后,应进行()
①  A系统水压试验
②  B系统灌水试验
③  C防腐
④  D系统通球试验
【单选题】 关于仪表校准要求的说法,正确的是()。
①  A.在仪表最大工作量范围内均匀选取校准点
②  B.称重仪表在安装中逐渐加载标准重量进行校准
③  C.指针式仪表在全标度范围内的示值误差和回程误差应符合仪表准确度的规定
④  D.施工现场不具备校准条件的仪表可用合格证明文件代替
【单选题】 下列检测试验中,属于钢制压力容器产品焊接试板力学性能试验的是()。
①  A.扭转试验
②  B.射线检测
③  C.耐压试验
④  D.弯曲试验
【单选题】 机电工程施工合同在工程实施过程中的重点是()。
①  A.分析合同风险
②  B.分析合同中的漏洞
③  C.合同跟踪与控制
④  D.分解落实合同任务
【单选题】 建筑智能化安全技术防范系统不包括()。
①  A.入侵报警系统
②  B.视频监控系统
③  C.出入口控制系统
④  D.火灾自动报警系统
【判断题】 大负载是指在一定电压下,向电源吸取电流大的设备。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 在触电者可靠地脱离电源前,救护者不可徒手接触触电者身体。
①  正确
②  错误