“食不厌精,脍不厌细”的提出者是( )
【单选题】 “食不厌精,脍不厌细”是( )菜的饮食原则。
①  谭家菜
②  孔府菜
③  随园菜
④  红楼菜
【单选题】 “学而不厌,诲人不倦”是孔子对( )提出的对提出的要求。
①  A.教师
②  B.学生
③  C.家长
④  D.学校
【单选题】 “学而不厌,诲人不倦”是孔子对( )提出的对提出的要求。
①  A.教师
②  B.学生
③  C.家长
④  D.学校
【单选题】 “百挑不厌”的商业口号,体现了经营者对消费者( )的尊重和维护。
①  自主选择权
②  人格尊严受尊重权
③  知情权
④  公平交易权
【判断题】 精细化管理主要体现在精和细上,精和细是相辅相成的,精的基础是细,细的目的是精。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 “遵,涿人性慎,学问不厌”中“学问”的意思是“学是学习,问是提问”。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 无力模型的提出者是(  )。
①  波特
②  弗农
③  明茨伯格
④  汤姆森
【单选题】 程序教学的提出者是( )。
①  华生
②  斯金纳
③  加涅
④  布卢姆
【单选题】 “发展危机”的提出者是(  )
①  A、皮亚杰
②  B、维果茨基
③  C、埃里克森
④  D、布鲁纳
【单选题】 程序教学的提出者是( )
①  华生
②  斯金纳
③  加涅
④  布卢姆
【单选题】 I’ve made friends with an English?girl??[填空]name?is Lily.
①  whose
②  which
③  when
④  that
【单选题】 You [填空] look for exercise opportunities all the time.
①  should
②  should to
③  goes
④  needs
【单选题】 He said that it ?[填空]nine then.
①  was
②  is
③  were
④  are
【单选题】 I was going to write, [填空] I lost your address.
①  but
②  and
③  so
④  then
【单选题】 Before?he came to China, he??[填空]Chinese for three years.
①  have learned
②  had learned
③  learned
④  learning
【单选题】 The sandwhich course, [填空]I have been on for a week ,is really excellent.
①  which
②  that
③  whose
④  who
【单选题】 Buenos Aires is one of the world capitals that[填空] noted for its busy harbor.
①  have
②  is
③  has
④  are
【单选题】 The airplane?[填空] is taking off?is?making a lot of noise.
①  what
②  which
③  who
④  those
【单选题】 She asked me ?[填空]he was coming the next day.
①  who
②  that
③  which
④  whether
【单选题】 The earth on[填空] we live is a planet.
①  which?
②  where
③  when
④  whose