【简答题】 简述结构化生命周期法的缺点。
【简答题】 简述结构化生命周期法的缺点。
【简答题】 简述结构化生命周期法的基本思想。
【简答题】 如何理解结构化生命周期法和传统生命周期法的区别?
【多选题】 结构化生命周期法的基本原则有:
①  面向用户
②  区分工作阶段
③  自顶向下地分析、设计;自底向上地实施
④  采用模块结构应用对变化
⑤  工作成果标准化、规范化
【多选题】 下列关于原型法和结构化生命周期法的描述中正确的有:
①  二者相比,原型法的文档较少
②  二者相比,原型法的用户参与度较高
③  二者相比,采用结构化生命周期法开发出的系统的环境适应能力更强
④  二者相比,采用结构化生命周期法对开发过程的管控更容易
【单选题】 结构化生命周期方法是将软件生命周期的各项活动规定为按固定次序连接的若干阶段的工作,因其特征而一般称为( )。
①  层次模型
②  瀑布模型
③  螺旋模型
④  对象模型
【简答题】 开发大型复杂系统时,如何将结构化生命周期法与原型法有机结合?
【简答题】 结构化生命周期法适合用于开发能够预先定义[填空1]、结构化程度较高的大型系统和复杂系统。
【简答题】 简述领导生命周期理论
【单选题】 9.We should really take some effective ______ to prevent such terrible things from happening again.
①  measures
②  steps
③  means
④  ways
【单选题】 11.Andrew was determined to ______ a computer career after graduation.
①  apply
②  shave
③  purse
④  select
【单选题】 At the bus stop _____ a soldier and two young people on their way to North Carolina.
①  were
②  was
③  is
④  waiting
【单选题】 12.Among these articles, which do you think are most ______ to interest our students?
①  competent
②  likely
③  awkward
④  unexpected
【单选题】 2.I couldn’t understand why he pretended ______ in the bookstore.
①  to see me not
②  not to see me
③  not see me
④  to see not me
【单选题】 In the meantime, the question facing business is whether such research is _____ the costs.
①  worth
②  worth of
③  worthy
④  worthwhile
【单选题】 7. They hope to_________the source of the infection.
①  track down
②  look down
③  look at
④  back down
【单选题】 1.The movie star ______ with your sister, didn’t he?
①  was used to dance
②  used to dancing
③  used to dance
④  was used to dancing
【单选题】 7.We had warned him________the danger but he turned a deaf ear to our warning.
①  to
②  along
③  in
④  of
【单选题】 10.It’s a highly___________infection.
①  connect
②  infect
③  infected
④  contagious