3. Nothing could_____him to such a course of action.
【单选题】 _________ no money, we could do nothing.
①  Having
②  Had
③  Have
④  Losing
【单选题】 3. He admits that playing computer games sometimes____ him ____his study.
①  distracts--from
②  attracts--from
③  distracts--to
④  attracts--to
【单选题】 3. He ______ hard until I told him to sit down and have a break.
①  was working
②  had been working
③  worked
④  has worked
【单选题】 Nothing can prevent him _____ learning Chinese painting.
①  from
②  by
③  out
④  in
【单选题】 Unless all the members agree to ____ to the plan there may be further development in the course of action.
①  tumble
②  stick
③  come
④  adjust
【简答题】 Directions: Translate sentence by using “nothing more than”.3. For the moment, all these ___________(只不过是建议而已).
【单选题】 Sandy could do nothing but _______ to his teacher that he was wrong.
①  admit
②  admitted
③  admitting
④  to admit
【单选题】 A sudden idea ____ to him that he might try the new method.
①  occurred
②  happened
③  took place
④  took part
【单选题】 His decision was ____, since he could not see the action from where he was standing.
①  arbitrary
②  ordinary
③  casual
④  accurate
【单选题】 When the girl heard the news, she could do nothing but ______ back home.
①  going
②  went
③  to go
④  go
【单选题】 根据我国相关规定,培训费用最少应占员工工资总额的( )。
①  A.1.5%
②  B.2.5%
③  C.3.5%
④  D. 5.5%
【单选题】 关于互联网技术中的“云”,下列描述正确的是()。
①  A.云计算
②  B.大数据
③  C.移动互联网
④  D.物联网
【单选题】 《专业技术人员继续教育规定》提出,( )违反本规定第十九条第一款规定的,由人力资源社会保障行政部门或者有关行业主管部门责令改正,给予警告。
①  A.继续教育机构
②  B.专业技术人员
③  C.用人单位
④  D.行政主管部门
【单选题】 以下不属于一个高效的团队必然具有的特点的是( )。
①  A.友好协商
②  B.资源共享
③  C.人员充足
④  D.沟通顺畅
【单选题】 ( )在市场经济中具有财富和商品的属性,具有高附加值属性。
①  A.专利权
②  B.知识产权
③  C.商标权
④  D.著作权
【单选题】 最佳的团队规模是( )人。
①  A.42404.0
②  B.42466.0
③  C.42529.0
④  D.42592.0
【单选题】 医德修养的根本途径是( )。
①  A.理论学习
②  B.医学实践
③  C.慎独
④  D.自我反省
【单选题】 国家知识产权战略启动实施的标志是( )。
①  A.2008年《国家知识产权战略纲要》的通知的正式印发
②  B.2008年国务院第四次常务会议原则对《国家知识产权战略纲要》的通过
③  C.2007年党的十七大报告制定的 “实施知识产权战略”
④  D.2002年党的十六大报告提出“完善知识产权保护制度”
【单选题】 ()是指对于国家及各级政府为了大力支持和鼓励各种创业而出台和实施的一系列政策法规的理解、认知、利用、执行与贯彻的能力。
①  A.创业政策法规能力
②  B.创业政策制定能力
③  C.创业资金引领能力
④  D.创业团队组建能力
【单选题】 社会主义医德建设对整体效应的充分发挥起着举足轻重的作用,具体表现在( )。
①  A.有利于增强医药卫生人员的义务感和责任心
②  B.有利于协调医患关系,改善服务态度
③  C.有利于调整医药卫生人员之间的关系
④  D.以上三者皆是