Joseph was very lucky ____ with his life; he almost did not get out of the room.
to escape
to have escaped
to escaping
to be escaping
【单选题】 The man went out to the woods to escape from his busy life and get some ( ).
①  lonely
②  safeguard
③  solitude
④  secure
【单选题】 We have a high regard for Prof. Joseph because he always _____his principles.
①  lives on
②  lives up to
③  lives through
④  lives with
【单选题】 He believed his lucky number was ten, so he decided to live on the ______ floor.
①  lowest
②  ten
③  tenth
【单选题】 Try ___ he might, he couldn’t get out of difficulty.
①  when
②  where
③  till
④  as
【单选题】 He studied hard in his youth, __________ contributed to his great success in later life.
①  that
②  it
③  what
④  which
【判断题】 When I saw him, he was cleaninging his room.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 Although he did not know London well, he made his way ______ to the airport.
①  easy enough
②  enough
③  easily enough
④  enough easily
【单选题】 He set up in business ____ his own and was very successful
①  in
②  of
③  on
④  by
【单选题】 I haven’t read ____ of his books, but judging from the one I have read I think he’s a very promising writer.
①  any
②  none
③  both
④  either
【单选题】 9. He must have got into your room ______ at night.
①  somewhat
②  somehow
③  however
④  whatever
【单选题】 我国的社会主义制度创造性地由“一”转“三”,重新确认三项基本经济制度是在()。
①  A.党的十五大
②  B.党的十七大
③  C.十八届三中全会
④  D.十九届四中全会
【单选题】 《中国共产党农村工作条例》规定,健全()级书记抓乡村振兴考核机制。
①  A.二
②  B.三
③  C.四
④  D.五
【单选题】 做好脱贫攻坚工作,要尊重扶贫对象主体地位,激励和引导他们靠自己的努力改变命运,引导他们树立()的观念。
①  A.“等、靠、要”
②  B.“坐享其成”
③  C.“宁愿苦干、不愿苦熬”
④  D.“破罐破摔”
【单选题】 疫情期间,我国防疫工作的三大重要任务不包括()。
①  A.防止传染
②  B.救人
③  C.对所有病人给予生活补助
④  D.确认病人治好
【单选题】 中央民族工作会议是在哪一年召开的?
①  A.2012年
②  B.2013年
③  C.2014年
④  D.2015年
【单选题】 《中华人民共和国民族区域自治法》是在哪一年通过的?
①  A.1982年
②  B.1983年
③  C.1984年
④  D.1985年
【单选题】 中共四川省委十一届六次全会通过的《中共四川省委关于深入贯彻党的十九届四中全会精神、推进城乡基层治理制度创新和能力建设的决定》指出,关于推进城乡基层治理制度创新和能力建设的目标为:到()年,全省城乡基层治理制度更加完善,基层治理效能显著提升,基本实现基层治理体系和治理能力现代化。
①  A.2021
②  B.2030
③  C.2035
④  D.2050
【单选题】 十九大报告提出,用( )武装全党。
①  A.毛泽东思想
②  B.邓小平理论
③  C.新时代中国特色社会主义思想
④  D.三个代表重要思想
【单选题】 千年瑶寨位于下列哪个省份?
①  A.浙江省
②  B.贵州省
③  C.广东省
④  D.陕西省
【单选题】 党的十九大报告指出,全面深化改革总目标是完善和发展中国特色社会主义制度、推进国家治理体系和治理能力()。
①  A.科技化
②  B.制度化
③  C.现代化
④  D.高端化