The truck driver was fined for exceeding the speed ____.
【单选题】 6. Our discussion ____ a wide range of subjects.
①  conveyed
②  concluded
③  covered
④  filled
【单选题】 The bus was____ the driver.
①  in charge of
②  in the charge of
③  take charge of
④  free of charge
【单选题】 Computer software _____ some 70 percent of our range of products.
①  picks up
②  focuses on
③  accounts for
④  is based on
【单选题】 Turn-down service ( ) a rule of Star hotel Ranking Standard.
①  is regarded as
②  considered as
③  is thought
④  is famous as
【单选题】 His salary as a driver is much higher than ______.
①  a porter
②  is a porter
③  that of a porter
④  as a porter
【单选题】 12. ____ you return the dictionary to the library immediately, you will be fined.
①  If
②  Until
③  Provided
④  Unless
【判断题】 Mark often attempts to excape to be fined whenever he breaks traffic regulations.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 Under democracy one party always ________ its chief energies to trying to prove that the other parties are unfit to rule
①  devotes
②  dedicates
③  turns
④  diverts
【单选题】 5.The driver coming in the opposite direction _______ to avoid the cow crossing the road.
①  turned
②  swerved
③  lunged
④  scrambled
【单选题】 The taxi driver _______ at me in the rear-view mirror when I got on the car.
①  smile
②  laughed
③  grinned
④  stared
【简答题】 简述代谢性酸中毒时机体的代偿调节。
【单选题】 循环性缺氧导致细胞缺氧的机制是
①  动脉氧分压降低
②  单位时间内毛细血管血量减少
③  血氧容量降低
④  血液氧饱和度降低
⑤  P50 降低
【单选题】 循环性缺氧时血氧指标最特征性的变化是
①  动脉血氧分压正常
②  血氧容量正常
③  动脉血氧含量正常
④  动脉血氧饱和度正常
⑤  动静脉血氧含量差增大
【单选题】 慢性阻塞性肺病患者发生缺氧的始动因素是
①  吸入气的氧分压过低
②  肺泡气的氧分压降低
③  动脉血氧分压降低
④  动脉血氧饱和度降低
⑤  动脉血氧容量降低
【单选题】 血氧容量正常,动脉血氧分压和氧含量正常,静脉血氧分压与氧含量高于正常见于
①  心力衰竭
②  呼吸衰竭
③  失血性休克
④  氰化钠中毒
⑤  慢性贫血
【单选题】 低张性低氧血症引起组织缺氧其动脉血氧分压须低于
①  12.0 kPa (90mmHg)
②  10.7 kPa (80mmHg)
③  9.3 kPa (70mmHg)
④  8.0 kPa (60mmHg)
⑤  6.7 kPa (50mmHg)
【单选题】 造成组织缺氧的主要机制是
①  动脉血氧分压降低
②  血氧含量降低
③  血液氧饱和度降低
④  单位时间内流过毛细血管血量减少
⑤  细胞组织与血液之间氧分压梯度变小
【单选题】 动脉血氧分压是指
①  100ml血液中实际含有O2的毫升数
②  溶解在动脉血液中氧分子所产生的张力
③  血红蛋白和氧结合力的大小
④  血红蛋白氧饱和度为50%时的氧分压
⑤  血液中血红蛋白的氧饱和度
【单选题】 某患者的血氧检查结果,血氧容量20ml%,动脉血氧含量15ml%,动脉血氧分压6.7 kPa (50mmHg),动静脉氧差4ml%,其缺氧类型为
①  低张性缺氧
②  血液性缺氧
③  循环性缺氧
④  组织性缺氧
⑤  混合性缺氧
【单选题】 某患者血氧检查为:血氧容量12ml%,动脉血氧含量11.4ml%,氧分压13.3 kPa (100mmHg),动-静脉氧差3.5ml%,患下列哪一种疾病的可能性最大?
①  慢性支气管炎
②  慢性贫血
③  矽肺
④  严重维生素B2缺乏
⑤  慢性充血性心力衰竭