We saw so many ____ flowers when we climbed the mountain.
【单选题】 When we drove to the country, we saw many _____.
①  herds of cattles
②  herds of catt
③  herd of cattle
④  herd of cattles
【判断题】 When we got down to the job we met many difficulties.划线部分应该翻译成“着手做”
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 We went on a(n) ____ to the mountain yesterday.
①  excursion
②  trip
③  tour
④  travel
【单选题】 These plastic flowers look so ___ that many people think they are real.
①  beautiful
②  natural
③  artificial
④  similar
【单选题】 These plastic flowers look so ________ that many people think they are real.
①  natural
②  beautiful
③  artificial
④  similar
【单选题】 When we speak to people, we should be ______.
①  as polite as possible
②  as polite as possibly
③  as politely as possible
④  as politely as possibly
【单选题】 We often compare children ______ flowers.
①  with
②  . to
③  in
【单选题】 2. When we speak to people, we should be ___.
①  as polite as possible
②  as polite as possibly
③  as politely as possible
④  as politely as possibly
【单选题】 When we arrived at the airport, we found our flight ________.
①  cancelled
②  had cancelled
③  had been cancelled
④  has been cancelled
【单选题】 We are interested in the weather because it __________ us so directly --- what we wear, what we do, and even how we feel.
①  benefits
②  affects
③  guides
④  effects
【单选题】 下面那个不属于双膦酸类药物
①  阿米替林
②  唑来膦酸
③  利塞膦酸钠
④  伊班膦酸钠
⑤  氯膦酸二钠
【单选题】 下面哪个是阿片类药物
①  布洛芬
②  曲马多
③  双氯芬酸
④  美洛昔康
⑤  尼美舒利
【单选题】 疼痛指数级别中剧烈疼痛计多少分
①  5
②  6
③  7
④  8
⑤  9
【单选题】 神经阻滞的特点描述,正确的是()
①  止痛效果明显可靠
②  操作简单易行,并发症少
③  不良反应小
④  治疗范围及时有效可选择性强
⑤  对诊断疾病非常有用
【单选题】 癌痛神经介入治疗最严重的并发证是()
①  气胸
②  局麻药的毒性反应
③  全脊髓麻醉
④  晕厥
⑤  感染
【单选题】 下述哪项不是难治性癌痛的诊断标准()
①  持续性疼痛数字化评分≥4
②  爆发痛次数≥3次/天
③  疼痛持续时间≥10分钟/次
④  单独使用阿片类药物和/或辅助镇痛药物治疗1-2周患者缓解不满意
⑤  使用阿片类药物和/或辅助镇痛药物治疗出现不可耐受不良反应
【单选题】 神经阻滞及毁损技术适用于()的癌痛患者
①  周围神经病
②  局部疼痛综合征
③  神经痛
⑤  锥体转移
【单选题】 癌痛评估原则不包括()
①  常规
②  量化
③  个体
④  全面
⑤  动态
【单选题】 以下不属于慢性疼痛治疗按时给药用药特点的是
①  有规律地“按时”给药,而不是“按需”给药或只在疼痛时给药
②  “按需”给药或只在疼痛时给药
③  按照规定的间隔时间给药
④  对老年患者进行宣教,使他们克服“有症状才用药”习惯
【单选题】 阿片类镇痛药物的不良反应不包括:
①  便秘
②  呕吐
③  癫痫
④  呼吸抑制
⑤  瘙痒