By no means_____ to our plan for the trip.
will she agree
she will agree
agrees she
will agree she
【多选题】 She insisted that she _____ the trip.
①  A.organized
②  B.organizes
③  C.should organize
④  D.organize
【单选题】 9.She does not_____ that she owes the money, but she just wouldn’t like to return it.
①  argue
②  . dispute
③  think
④  agree
【单选题】 Unless all the members agree to ____ to the plan there may be further development in the course of action.
①  tumble
②  stick
③  come
④  adjust
【判断题】 Has she been listening? Yes, she has./ No, she hasn’t.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 She dares to go alone, _____?
①  does she
②  dares she
③  doesn’ t she
④  daren’ t she
【单选题】 She said she __________ lost a pen.
①  have
②  has
③  had
④  having
【单选题】 Although she was frightened, she answered with a ____ voice.
①  quiet
②  silent
③  still
④  calm
【单选题】 She ________ the door before she goes away.
①  had locked
②  is locking
③  has locked
④  was locking
【单选题】 She ___ the door before she goes away.
①  had locked
②  is locking
③  has locked
④  was locking
【单选题】 She didn’ t come to the party last Sunday._____, she must have made the party more exciting.
①  If she came
②  Would she come
③  Had she come Did she come
【单选题】 课程体系是以科学逻辑组织的,课程是社会选择和社会意志的体现,课程是既定的、先验的、静态的,课程是外在于学习者的,并且是凌驾于学习者之上的——学习者服从课程,在课程面前是接受者的角色,这种课程观认为()
①  课程是知识
②  课程是经验
③  课程是活动
④  课程是生活本身
【单选题】 把人性分为“圣人之性”“中民之性”和“斗筲之性”的思想家是()
①  董仲舒
②  颜之推
③  韩愈
④  朱熹
【单选题】 耶稣会学校盛行一种鼓励学生相互监视的制度,称为( )
①  监视制度
②  侦察制度
③  自查制度
④  互助制度
【单选题】 1922年,北洋政府颁布施行了(),也称为“六三三制”。
①  壬寅学制
②  癸卯学制
③  壬子-癸丑学制
④  壬戌学制
【单选题】 每个历史时期的德育目的都各不相同,这体现了德育目的的()
①  阶级性
②  可能性
③  历史性
④  预期性
【单选题】 冲突双方都必须放弃部分利益以便能够在一定程度上满足对方需要。这是()
①  逃避
②  顺应
③  妥协
④  合作
【单选题】 提出“中体西用”教育思想的是()
①  康有为
②  梁启超
③  张之洞
④  严复
【单选题】 当前我国对教师实行的特定职业许可制度是()
①  教师考核制度
②  教师聘任制度
③  教师资格制度
④  教师职务制度
【单选题】 按照教育呈现形式划分,教育功能划分为()
①  个体功能与社会功能
②  正向功能与负向功能
③  显性功能与隐性功能
④  前进功能与倒退功能
【单选题】 将学生按照智力测验分数和学业成绩分成不同水平的班组,教师根据不同班组的实际水平进行教学的组织形式是()
①  班级授课
②  分层教学
③  小组合作学习
④  小班教学