They have done things they ought_____.
not to do
not to be done
not to have done
not having done
【判断题】 John has never acted as he should have done. 此句中的“done”替代了“has”.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 28.Fool ____ Jane is, she could not have done such a thing.
①  who
②  as
③  that
④  like
【单选题】 I should think they have done it ________, to avoid paying you the money.
①  with purpose
②  on purpose
③  in purpose
④  to purpose
【判断题】 Given that they are fresh from the university, the young people have done a good job.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 The decision to quit school at that young age is, ____, the most stupid thing I have ever done.
①  by comparison
②  in retrospect
③  at first sight
④  at times
【单选题】 I am very grateful to you for what you’ve given me and __________ you have done for me.
①  which
②  that
③  all what
④  all that
【单选题】 Of course she ___________ what youve done.
①  is pround of
②  finds a way
③  takes off
④  fights for
【单选题】 Well done. Congratulations on your success.
①  Thank you very much
②  Oh, no, no
③  No, I didn’t do very well
④  Sorry, I couldn’t any better
【判断题】 ____Unless_____ they can get people in the organization to do what must he done, they will not succeed.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 Is she still angry _______what Tom has done?
①  to
②  with
③  about
【单选题】 恶性肿瘤患者营养不良发生率可以达到( )
①  10%-30%
②  20%-40%
③  50%-80%
④  90%-100%
【单选题】 癌症患者营养不良和癌性恶液质的主要原因是( )
①  食欲减退
②  促恶液质因子
③  代谢异常
④  以上都是
【单选题】 以下哪项不是肠内营养的“四屏障”( )
①  机械屏障
②  物理屏障
③  生物屏障
④  免疫屏障
【单选题】 幽门后喂养不包括( )
①  经皮内窥镜引导下胃造口
②  胃造口螺旋型空肠管
③  经鼻十二指肠、空肠置管
④  空肠造口置管
【单选题】 上呼吸道梗阻最常见的原因是
①  舌(根)后坠
②  呕吐物、痰液、血液堵塞
③  异物堵塞
④  外伤导致的结构破坏
【单选题】 下列关于经口气管插管描述错误的是
①  较难耐受
②  使用较粗的管道,可提供更有效通气
③  气道阻力较经鼻气管插管小
④  有鼻腔创伤和出血的危险
【单选题】 下列哪项不是经口气管插管的相对禁忌症
①  喉水肿
②  咯血
③  急性喉炎
④  颈椎骨折
【单选题】 关于缺氧的类型描述正确的错误的是
①  低张性缺氧常见于COPD、先天性心脏病
②  贫血常常导致血液性缺氧
③  组织性缺氧常见的原因包括一氧化碳中毒
④  可分为低张性缺氧、血液性缺氧、循环性缺氧及组织性缺氧
【单选题】 下列关于给氧法错误的是
①  鼻导管给氧法1L-4L/min 为最合适的
②  鼻导管给氧法给予4L/min氧浓度约为33%
③  鼻导管给氧法吸入氧分数不稳定,高流量时对局部黏膜有刺激
④  简单面罩给氧法可以提供较高流量的吸入氧分数
【单选题】 快速康复外科包括下列哪些措施:
①  控制性输液
②  达芬奇机器人手术
③  早期下床活动
④  以上均包括