The police carried out a(n) ____ search for the missing boy.
【单选题】 ______,the boy worked out the problem quickly.
①  As clever he is
②  Clever as he is
③  He is as clever
④  As he is clever
【单选题】 A survey was carried out on the death rate of new born babies in that region,________were surprising.
①  as results
②  which results
③  the results of it
④  the results of which
【单选题】 If the scheme is _____carried out without waste of time or energy I shall be completely satisfied.
①  relatively
②  noticeably
③  appropriately
④  efficiently
【单选题】 17. A survey was carried out on the death rate of new-born babies in that region, ____were surprising.
①  as results
②  which results
③  the results of it
④  the results of which
【单选题】 39. A survey was carried out on the death rate of those who were infected by SARS, ________were surprising.
①  asresults
②  whichresults
③  theresultsofit
④  theresultsofwhich
【单选题】 George is ( ) for designing the entire project.
①  capable
②  distinct
③  joint
④  responsible
【单选题】 对下面程序描述正确的是()。#includestdio.h#includestdlib.hvoidmain(){FILE*in,*out;if((in=fopen("file1.txt","a+"))==NULL){printf("cannotopenfile1\n");exit(0);}if((out=fopen("file2.txt","a+"))==NULL){printf("cannotopenfile2\n");exit(0);}while(!feof(out))fputc(fgetc(out),in);fclose(in);fclose(out);}
①  程序实现在屏幕上显示磁盘文件file1.txt的内容
②  程序实现将磁盘文件file2.txt复制到磁盘文件file1.txt
③  程序实现将两个磁盘文件file1.txt和file2.txt的内容合二为一
④  程序实现在屏幕上显示磁盘文件file2.txt的内容
【单选题】 They made a _____ search for the lost ring, but didn’t find it.
①  though
②  although
③  thorough
④  thoroughly
【判断题】 An effective precis is based on precise and thorough reading and understanding of the article.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 ______ bad cold she spent the entire day in bed.
①  As if
②  Even though
③  In addition
④  Due to
【单选题】 钢筋混凝土框架梁端弯矩调幅仅针对()
①  地震作用
②  竖向荷载
③  风荷载
④  施工荷载
【单选题】 在单向板肋梁楼盖设计中,对于次梁的计算和构造,下面叙述中哪一个不正确()
①  承受正弯矩中截面,次梁按T形截面考虑
②  承受负弯矩的支座截面,T形翼缘位于受拉区,应按宽度等于梁宽b的矩形截面计算
③  次梁可按塑性内力重分布方法进行内力计算
④  不论荷载大小,次的高跨比,一般不必进行使用阶段的挠度和变形验算
【单选题】 计算单层厂房单阶排架柱的配筋时,上柱控制截面一般可取()
①  上柱柱顶截面
②  上柱1/2高度处截面
③  吊车梁顶面标高处截面
④  上柱柱底截面
【单选题】 五跨等跨连续梁,现求最左端支座最大剪力,活荷载应布置在哪几跨?
①  1,2,4
②  2,3,4
③  1,2,3
④  1,3,5
【单选题】 确定钢筋混凝土现浇框架柱的计算长度时,下列因素中不需考虑的是()
①  框架侧向的约束条件
②  荷载情况
③  柱的二阶效应
④  轴向变形
【单选题】 在框架结构设计中,下列说法中正确的是()
①  活荷载不利布置和弯矩调幅均使梁端弯矩增大
②  活荷载不利布置和弯矩调幅均使梁跨中弯矩减小
③  活荷载不利布置使梁端弯矩和跨中弯矩均增大
④  弯矩调幅使梁端弯矩和跨中弯矩均增大
【单选题】 关于折算荷载的叙述,哪一项不正确()
①  为了考虑支座抵抗转动的影响,采用增大恒载和相应减少活荷载的办法来处理
②  对于板其折算荷载取:折算恒载g'=g+,折算活载q'=
③  对于次梁其折算荷载取:折算恒载g'=g+,折算活载q'=
④  对于主梁其折算荷载按次梁的折算荷载采用
【单选题】 倒梁法将基础梁视为多跨连续梁,()
①  以土反力作为荷载,假定土反力梯形分布
②  以土反力作为荷载,假定土反力均匀分布
③  以上部结构自重作为荷载,假定土反力梯形分布
④  以上部结构自重作为荷载,假定土反力均匀分布
【单选题】 柱下钢筋混凝土单独基础的底面尺寸是根据()
①  抗冲切承载力计算确定
②  地基承载力计算确定
③  基础尺寸的构造要求,再通过抗冲切承载力验算确定
④  基础尺寸的构造要求,再通过地基承载力验算确定
【单选题】 框架结构在水平荷载作用下的侧向变形大致为()
①  剪切型
②  弯曲型
③  弯剪型
④  难以确定