Fill in the blanks with the words or phrases given below. Change the form if necessary.[evaluate; expand; reveal; fertile; convince; impulse; reach; transfer; concrete; productive; take up; right away; fall asleep; back and forth; take advantage of; try to]9. What she said[填空1]me that I was mistaken.
【简答题】 Fill in the blanks with the words or phrases given below. Change the form if necessary.[evaluate; expand; reveal; fertile; convince; impulse; reach; transfer; concrete; productive; take up; right away; fall asleep; back and forth; take advantage of; try to]9. What she said[填空1]me that I was mistaken.
【简答题】 Fill in the blanks with the words or phrases given below. Change the form if necessary.[evaluate; expand; reveal; fertile; convince; impulse; reach; transfer; concrete; productive; take up; right away; fall asleep; back and forth; take advantage of; try to]3. Every term students are given the opportunity to[填空1]their instructors.
【简答题】 Fill in the blanks with the words or phrases given below. Change the form if necessary.[evaluate; expand; reveal; fertile; convince; impulse; reach; transfer; concrete; productive; take up; right away; fall asleep; back and forth; take advantage of; try to]3. Every term students are given the opportunity to[填空1]their instructors.
【简答题】 Fill in the blanks with the words or phrases given below. Change the form if necessary.[evaluate; expand; reveal; fertile; convince; impulse; reach; transfer; concrete; productive; take up; right away; fall asleep; back and forth; take advantage of; try to]2. Thehours that a child plays incompany with his peers[填空1]his life space and provide him with experience in getting along with others.
【简答题】 Fill in the blanks with the words or phrases given below. Change the form if necessary.[evaluate; expand; reveal; fertile; convince; impulse; reach; transfer; concrete; productive; take up; right away; fall asleep; back and forth; take advantage of; try to]2. Thehours that a child plays incompany with his peers[填空1]his life space and provide him with experience in getting along with others.
【简答题】 Direction: Fill in the blanks with the phrases given below. Change the form if necessary.[collide with; take hold of; for a moment; head for; ever since; be full of; share with; make fun of]3. Dont[填空1]the disabled!
【简答题】 Fill in the blanks with the words or phrases given below. Change the form if necessary.[compromise; doom; due to; financial; rarely; security; source; survey; unique; valid]1. The project was[填空1]right from the beginning.
【简答题】 Fill in the blanks with the words or phrases given below. Change the form if necessary.[compromise; doom; due to; financial; rarely; security; source; survey; unique; valid]1. The project was[填空1]right from the beginning.
【简答题】 Direction: Fill in the blanks with the phrases given below. Change the form if necessary.[collide with; take hold of; for a moment; head for; ever since; be full of; share with; make fun of]5.[填空1]your end of the stick, and well pull you up.
【简答题】 Directions: Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form if necessary.[fee; react; expand; besides; quantity; stay; highly; device; customer; commercial]9. The present government is unlikely to[填空1]in power after the next election.
【多选题】 社会主义核心价值体系的基本内容是( )。
①  马克思主义指导思想
②  中国特色社会主义共同理想
③  以爱国主义为核心的民族精神和以改革创新为核心的时代精神
④  社会主义荣辱观
【简答题】 大学生应当如何自觉践行社会主义核心价值观?
【单选题】 国家安全是指一个国家不受内部和外部的威胁、破坏而保持稳定有序的状态。当前,我国国家安全内涵和外延比历史上任何时候都要丰富,时空领域比历史上任何时候都要宽广,内外因素比历史上任何时候都要复杂,必须坚持总体的国家安全观,其宗旨是( )
①  经济安全
②  政治安全
③  人民安全
④  国际安全
【单选题】 我们要大力弘扬的时代精神是当代中国人民精神风貌的集中写照,是激发社会创造活力的强大力量。其核心是( )
①  国际主义
②  集体主义
③  改革创新
④  开拓进取
【单选题】 李大钊曾写下“铁肩担道义,妙手著文章”的警句。这句话表明,若想树立改革创新的自觉意识,我们应该( )
①  树立突破陈规陋习的自觉意识
②  树立大胆探索未知领域的信心和勇气
③  树立以创新创造为目标的走向
④  增强改革创新的责任感
【单选题】 王安石《游褒禅山记》中所言:“而世之奇伟、瑰怪,非常之观,常在于险远,而人之所罕至焉,故非有志者不能至也。”这句话表明,若想树立改革创新的自觉意识,我们应该( )
①  树立突破陈规陋习的自觉意识
②  树立大胆探索未知领域的信心和勇气
③  树立以创新创造为目标的走向
④  增强改革创新的能力本领
【单选题】 社会主义核心价值观中,哪些内容体现的是国家层面的价值要求( )。
①  富强、民主、文明、和谐
②  爱国、敬业、诚信、友善
③  社会主义荣辱观
④  自由、平等、公正、法治
【多选题】 大力弘扬中国精神,培育中华民族共同的精神家园,需要( )
①  大力弘扬传统文化
②  大力弘扬现代思潮
③  大力弘扬以爱国主义为核心的伟大民族精神
④  大力弘扬以改革创新为核心的伟大时代精神
【多选题】 中华传统美德的基本精神包括( )。
①  重视整体利益.强调责任奉献
②  强调道德修养,注重道德践履
③  提倡人伦价值,重视道德义务
④  追求精神境界,向往理想人格
【简答题】 如何理解社会主义核心价值观的基本内容?