【单选题】 按地基承载力确定基础底面积时,作用效应和地基承载力应分别如何取值?()
①  作用效应标准组合地基承载力特征值
②  作用效应基本组合地基承载力标准值
③  作用效应基本组合地基承载力特征值
④  作用效应准永久组合地基承载力标准值
【单选题】 在截面条件相同的情况下,长柱与细长柱的极限承载力总是比短柱的低,这是由于( )。
①  长柱与细长柱的均较细长,容易产生失稳
②  长柱与细长柱的侧向挠度较大,二阶弯矩影响较大的结果
③  长柱是由于二阶弯矩影响较大的结果,细长柱是最后失稳影响的结果
④  长柱是由于失稳影响的结果,细长柱是由于二阶弯矩影响的结果
【单选题】 如果矩形底面基础的尺寸为,在进行地基承载力特征值修正时,公式中应取()
①  3m
②  4m
③  6m
④  8m
【多选题】 矩形截面柱的矩形扩展基础,应验算哪些截面处的受冲切承载力?
①  柱子中心线处
②  .柱子与基础交接处
③  .基础底面钢筋面积变化处
④  基础变阶处
【单选题】 ( )不能提高地基承载力。
①  加大基础埋深
②  增加基础宽度
③  降低地下水位
④  增加基础刚度
【多选题】 修正后的地基承载力特征值是指经过( )的地基承载力特征值。
①  基础宽度修正
②  基础埋深修正
③  持力层修正
④  抗剪强度修正
【单选题】 计算单层厂房单阶排架柱的配筋时,上柱控制截面一般可取()
①  上柱柱顶截面
②  上柱1/2高度处截面
③  吊车梁顶面标高处截面
④  上柱柱底截面
【单选题】 单层厂房排架柱内力组合时,一般不属于控制截面的是()
①  上柱柱顶截面
②  上柱柱底截面
③  下柱柱顶截面
④  下柱柱底截面
【单选题】 工业厂房中,矩形柱截面尺寸一般为( )
①  400×600
②  250×370
③  300×500
④  400×800
【单选题】 在影响地基承载力因素中,下列说法中( )是错误的。
①  土的内摩擦角φ越大,极限承载力越大
②  土的内聚力c越大,极限承载力越大
③  土的密实度越大,极限承载力越大
④  地基承载力仅与地基土的性质有关,与基础尺寸无关
【单选题】 It _____ for over a month and the downpour had damaged many houses.
①  has rained cats and dogs
②  has been raining heavily
③  rained heavily
④  had been raining cats and dogs
【单选题】 Between 1897 and 1919, at least 29 motion pictures _____ .
①  have been produced
②  had been produced
③  had produced
④  would have produced
【单选题】 At the age of twenty-three, Emily ______ a businessman of her own choice.
①  had been married
②  had married
③  married
④  was married
【单选题】 In order to improve English, ______.
①  Jane’s father bought her a lot of tapes
②  Jane bought a lot of tapes for herself
③  a lot of tapes were bought for her by Jane’s father
④  a lot of tapes were bought by Jane
【单选题】 I ______ to stay here if I can.
①  have been meaning
②  mean
③  am meaning
④  have meant
【单选题】 They had only _________ in that house for three weeks when fire destroyed it.
①  to live
②  living
③  lived
④  been lived
【单选题】 In the USA, he made a lot of friends ______ English well so he could make himself ______.
①  learn, understand
②  to learn, understood
③  learning, understood
④  learn, understanding
【单选题】 If you want to break the law, make sure that you don’t ______.
①  catch
②  be caught
③  caught
④  get caught
【单选题】 Hundreds of jobs ______ if the factory closes down.
①  will be lost
②  are lost
③  will lose
④  lose
【单选题】 Mary looks unhappy because she has ______ by her classmates.
①  laughed at
②  been laughed
③  laughed
④  been laughed at