【单选题】 运用汇率的变动来消除国际收支不平衡的做法,叫做()
①  外汇缓冲政策
②  直接管制
③  财政和货币政策
④  汇率政策
【单选题】 运用借入外债来消除国际收支逆差的做法,叫做()
①  外汇缓冲政策
②  直接管制
③  财政和货币政策
④  汇率政策
【单选题】 运用提高进口关税来消除国际收支逆差的做法,叫做()
①  外汇缓冲政策
②  直接管制
③  财政和货币政策
④  汇率政策
【单选题】 国际收支的货币论认为,固定汇率制下国际收支的顺差可以通过()来消除。
①  紧缩性的财政政策
②  紧缩性的货币政策
③  扩张型的财政政策
④  扩张型的货币政策
【单选题】 运用增加财政赤字的方法来消除国际收支不平衡,叫做()
①  外汇缓冲政策
②  直接管制
③  支出变更政策
④  汇率政策
【单选题】 运用改变货币供应量的方法来消除国际收支不平衡,叫做()
①  外汇缓冲政策
②  直接管制
③  支出变更政策
④  汇率政策
【判断题】 10.当通货膨胀与国际收支逆差并存时,可实行紧缩型财政政策,和紧缩型货币政策。 ( )
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 9.当失业与国际收支逆差并存时,可采取扩张型的财政政策与紧缩型的货币政策。( )
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 货币政策的类型有扩张性货币政策、紧缩性货币政策和:
①  中立性货币政策
②  选择性货币政策
③  直接信用货币政策
④  间接信用货币政策
【多选题】 财政政策和货币政策的相同点在哪里?()
①  A 都是国家制定的
②  B 都与银行有关
③  C 都是经济政策
④  D 都属于宏观调控的重要手段
【单选题】 There is no enough______ on the corner to put the table
①  room
②  floor
③  space
④  place
【单选题】 A fire broke out at the school but the teacher were able to lead the ___________ children to safety.
①  frightened
②  frightening
③  frighten
④  fright
【单选题】 I dont have to introduce the boy to you ___-you know him.
①  since
②  until
③  unless
④  but
【单选题】 The author was _______ in a small village, as is described in some of his short stories.
①  brought out
②  brought in
③  brought up
④  brought about
【单选题】 Please drop in whenever you can.. I’d like to keep _________ touch..
①  in
②  to
③  on
④  with
【单选题】 _______ of the twins was arrested, because I saw both at a party last night.
①  None
②  Both
③  Neither
④  D. All
【单选题】 _____ for the fact that she broke her leg, she might have passed the exam.
①  Had it not been
②  Hadnt itbeen
③  Was it not
④  Were it not
【单选题】 The pen_________ him ten yuan.
①  paid
②  took
③  cost
④  spent
【单选题】 Obviously, the Chairman’s remarks at the conference were _____ and not planned.
①  substantial
②  spontaneous
③  simultaneous
④  synthetic
【单选题】 淘米过度或煮稀饭加碱很容易使()流失或破坏。
①  维生素E
②  维生素D
③  维生素B1
④  维生素A