【单选题】 2011年某民用机场占地100万平方米,其中飞行区用地90万平方米,场外道路用地7万平方米,场内道路用地0.5万平方米,工作区用地2.5万平方米,城镇土地使用税税率为5元/平方米。2011年该机场应缴纳城镇土地使用税( )元
①  125000
②  150000
③  475000
④  500000
【单选题】 以下不是以平方米计算的是()
①  脚手架
②  混凝土模板及支撑
③  垂直运输
④  施工机具使用
【单选题】 内墙抹灰以平方米计算,计算时应扣除()
①  踢脚板面积
②  门窗洞口面积
③  挂镜线面积
④  单个面积在0.3m2以内的孔洞和墙与构件交接处的面积
【判断题】 防滑坡道,按图示尺寸以平方米计算。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 下列计算面积不是以平方米计算的是()
①  瓦屋面工程量
②  屋面防水
③  地面防水、防潮层
④  地面垫层
【单选题】 地面块料面层,按设计图示尺寸()以平方米计算。
①  净面积
②  面积
③  实铺面积
④  总面积
【判断题】 挑脚手架,按搭设长度和层数,以平方米计算。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 1977年全国城市人均居住面积4.5平方米。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 定额计量规则中,地坑底面积在()平方米以内且底长边小于()倍的短边
①  20;3
②  15;6
③  10;5
④  50;3
【单选题】 有一宗地,占地面积为/span500平方米,地上建有一幢三层的楼房,建筑密度为0.7,容积率为2.0,土地单价为3000元/平方米,则楼面地价为()。
①  1000元/平方米
②  1500元/平方米
③  2100元/平方米
④  2800元/平方米
【单选题】 We looked for a table to sit down, but they were all ____.
①  reserved for
②  engaged in
③  used up
④  taken up
【单选题】 It is ____ with the customer not to let the shop assistants guess what she really likes and wants until the last moment.
①  in her honor
②  on her honor
③  a point of honor
④  an honor
【单选题】 But the Swiss discovered long years ago that constant warfare brought them ____suffering and poverty.
①  anything but
②  nothing but
③  none other than
④  no more than
【单选题】 Information and opinion gap exercises have to have some content ___ talking about.
①  worthwhile
②  worthily
③  worth
④  worthy
【单选题】 Jane tried to ____ the doorman with money, but she failed.
①  bribe
②  corrupt
③  award
④  endow
【单选题】 He packed an ____ shirt in case he had to stay another day.
①  spare
②  unnecessary
③  excessive
④  extra
【单选题】 I was awfully tired when I got home from work, but a half hour nap ____ me.
①  revived
②  released
③  relieved
④  recovered
【单选题】 An institution that properly carries the name university is a more comprehensive and complex institution than any other kind of higher education ____.
①  settlement
②  establishment
③  construction
④  structure
【单选题】 Jane is in a hurry because the train to the airport leaves ______ half an hour.
①  by
②  in
③  for
④  until
【单选题】 She was____ at your saying that.
①  interested
②  troubled
③  annoyed
④  anxious