【判断题】 债务人按照约定履行债务,债权人无正当理由拒绝受领的,债务人可以请求债权人赔偿增加的费用。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 数人就同一债权主张权利,债权人一时无法确定,致使债务人一时难以履行债务,经人民法院裁决,债务人可以( )履行债务。
①  混同
②  抵消
③  提存
④  免除
【多选题】 债务人向债权人进行债务的全部清偿,下列选项中正确的有()。
①  合同权利义务终止
②  保证债务消灭
③  债权人应当向债务人返还借据
④  利息债权消灭
【判断题】 债务人部分履行给债权人增加的费用,由债务人承担。( )
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 留置权是债权人按照( )占有债务人的财产,在债务人逾期不履行债务时,可以扣留该财产以迫使债务人履行债务,并在债务人仍不履行债务时以该财产优先受偿的权利。
①  法律规定
②  商业惯例
③  合同约定
④  条约规定
【单选题】 债权人受领迟延造成债务人履行不能的( )。
①  债权人要负损害赔偿责任
②  债务人免除履行义务
③  债务人要负赔偿责任
④  债务人继续履行
【判断题】 债权人不可以拒绝债务人提前履行债务。 ( )
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 质押是指债务人或第三人提供一定的动产作为债务人履行债务的担保,债权人占有该动产、并在债务人不履行债务进,债权人有权依照法律的规定以质押物优先受偿
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 债务人转移债务的,新债务人可以主张原债务人对债权人的抗辩。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 质权是指为了担保债务的履行,债务人或第三人将动产或( ) 移交债权人占有,当债务人不履行债务时,债权人有就其占有的财产优先受偿的权利。
①  财产
②  不动产
③  权利
④  义务
【单选题】 债务人向债权人表示同意延期履行拖欠的债务,这将在法律上引起:
①  诉讼时效的中止
②  诉讼时效的中断
③  诉讼时效的延长
④  改变法定的诉讼时效期间
【单选题】 The humble bell-boy ______ his tongue reprovingly in front of the princess.
①  flipped
②  chuckled
③  clucked
④  flickered
【单选题】 I am a fisherman ______.
①  by trade
②  for trade
③  on trade
④  of trade
【单选题】 At last this intermezzo _____, and I found myself in front of the gigantic City Hall.
①  came to an end
②  came to the end
③  came to end
④  came to ending
【单选题】 I was again crushed by the thought that I stood on the ____ of the first atomic bombardment.
①  spot
②  site
③  place
④  area
【单选题】 Hiroshima, as you know, is a city familiar ______ everyone.
①  with
②  to
③  for
④  by
【单选题】 If you bear any visible scars of atomic burns, your children will encounter prejudice ______ those who do not.
①  on the side of
②  at the side of
③  on the part of
④  at the part of
【单选题】 As the offender _______ his crime, he was dealt with leniently.
①  had admitted
②  had confessed
③  had recognized
④  had realized
【单选题】 I now stood on the site where thousands upon thousands of others had lingered on to die ____ slow agony.
①  at
②  from
③  of
④  in
【单选题】 The few Americans and Germans seemed just as _____ as I was.
①  constrained
②  curbed
③  inhibited
④  withhold
【单选题】 Are you familiar _____ these technical terms?
①  with
②  to
③  for
④  as