
【单选题】 The eldest child is thoroughly ____ because they always give him whatever he wants.
①  wasted
②  spoiled
③  destroyed
④  uneducated
【判断题】 It is generally considered unwise to give a child ____whatever____ he or she wants.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 Do what you think is right, ________ they say.
①  whatever
②  however
③  whenever
④  whichever
【单选题】 It is what you do rather than what you say ___ matters.
①  that
②  what
③  which
④  this
【单选题】 Hitler was however wrong and we should ______ to help Russia.
①  make all out
②  make out all
③  go all out
④  go out all
【判断题】 Anyone is likely to commit mistakes, no matter however careful he is.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 You ____ that letter to James. However, you didn’t.
①  ought to write
②  ought to have written
③  should write
④  should be writing
【单选题】 You should give your children more opportunities to have personal time and space to ( ) with friends or do whatever they want.
①  hang out
②  hang up
③  hang on
④  hang in
【单选题】 Dreams are beautiful. However, to _____ them needs lots of time and work.
①  discover
②  find
③  achieve
④  stop
【判断题】 判断线上的内容是否正确:It is generally considered unwise to give a child ____whatever____ he or she wants.
①  正确
②  错误
【简答题】 在判断表的使用过程中,正确而恰当地分析条件及其取值是相当关键的。其中,取值的划分不重复、不遗漏,即为“[填空]”。
【简答题】 处于管理层的典型信息系统有管理信息系统和[填空]系统。
【简答题】 用于对每一项业务分析其包括哪些活动(处理),这些活动由谁(Who)、什么时间(Time)、如何(How)处理、为什么(Why)必须有这个活动描述清楚的工具为[填空]。
【简答题】 有形资源可分为关键性资源和[填空]。
【简答题】 为了估计全国高中生的平均身高,从20个城市选取了100所中学进行调查。在该项研究中样本是 [填空] 。
【简答题】 [填空]是一种专门组织的一次性的全面调查。
【简答题】 典型调查是对总体中的[填空]进行的专门调查。
【简答题】 [填空]=频数÷组距,它能准确反映频数分布的实际状况。
【简答题】 <img src="https://huaweicloudobs.ahjxjy.cn/1B5942AD9DF5D34DAF89D7EA0AF9B6B3.png" title="1.png" alt="1.png"/>服从自由度为n-1的[填空]分布。
【简答题】 如果样本统计量的数学期望等于所估计的总体参数的值,则称该样本统计量为总体参数的[填空]。