【单选题】 Only in this way ____ out of the plan.
①  you can talk him
②  him can you talk
③  him you can talk
④  can you talk him
【判断题】 Lets go out for a walk.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 What about [填空] out for a meal?
①  go
②  goes
③  going
④  go to
【单选题】 Can you go out with us for dinner this evening?
①  No, I already have plans
②  Thanks a lot but I’m busy tonight
③  No, I really don’t like being with you
④  I’m ill, so I shouldn’t go out for dinner
【单选题】 对下面程序描述正确的是()。#includestdio.h#includestdlib.hvoidmain(){FILE*in,*out;if((in=fopen("file1.txt","a+"))==NULL){printf("cannotopenfile1\n");exit(0);}if((out=fopen("file2.txt","a+"))==NULL){printf("cannotopenfile2\n");exit(0);}while(!feof(out))fputc(fgetc(out),in);fclose(in);fclose(out);}
①  程序实现在屏幕上显示磁盘文件file1.txt的内容
②  程序实现将磁盘文件file2.txt复制到磁盘文件file1.txt
③  程序实现将两个磁盘文件file1.txt和file2.txt的内容合二为一
④  程序实现在屏幕上显示磁盘文件file2.txt的内容
【单选题】 We’ll go out as soon as I’ve ____ the kitchen.
①  sent for
②  cleaned up
③  done with
④  worked out
【单选题】 ______,the boy worked out the problem quickly.
①  As clever he is
②  Clever as he is
③  He is as clever
④  As he is clever
【单选题】 Look out ! That tree _______ fall down.
①  is going to
②  will be
③  shall
④  would
【单选题】 It turned out that the children were not _____for the accident.
①  to blame
②  to be blamed
③  to be blaming
④  to have been blaming
【单选题】 Look out! That tree ___ fall down.
①  is going to
②  will be
③  shall
④  would
【判断题】 边境地区的和平稳定是“一带一路”建设向前推进的必要前提和保障。( )
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 坦桑尼亚是中国“一带一路”战略在非洲唯一的支点,是新丝路建设中获得中国资金援助最多的国家。( )
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 改革开放是中国特色社会主义的强国之路
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 下列病变中属器官充血病变特点的有
①  体积缩小
②  颜色呈暗红色或发绀
③  颜色呈鲜红色
④  局部温度降低
【单选题】 临床对一些慢性病的治疗,常采用透热疗法或涂擦刺激剂的方法,是为了使局部发生
①  一定程度的充血,使局部血液循环得到改善
②  淤血,血量增多
③  出血,供给更多的血细胞
④  形成血栓
【单选题】 骨折患肢的萎缩属于
①  神经性萎缩
②  压迫性萎缩
③  废用性萎缩
④  缺血性萎缩
【单选题】 巴氏杆菌引起的禽霍乱导致肝脏出现
①  变质性炎
②  增生性炎
③  化脓性炎
④  浆液性炎
【单选题】 局部器官一定程度的充血,对机体来说,下列哪种说法是不正确的
①  对机体有利,是机体的一种防御适应反应
②  对机体不利 ,可使局部供血减少
③  可改善局部的血液循环
④  可供应局部更多的氧和营养物质。
【单选题】 机体的临床表现为皮温降低,恶寒战栗,被毛松乱,处于兴奋状态。发生在
①  体温上升期
②  高热期
③  退热期
④  无热期
【单选题】 立克氏病引起的病鸡患肢肌肉萎缩属于
①  神经性萎缩
②  压迫性萎缩
③  废用性萎缩
④  缺血性萎缩