【单选题】 I hope ___ the little ___ I have been able to do has been of some use.
①  that; that
②  /; by which?
③  what; what
④  /; with which
【单选题】 He has been there, [填空]?
①  hasnt he
②  has he
③  does he
④  doesnt he
【单选题】 This book has been in the works so long that I have lost _____of most of the sources found for me by the staff of the library.
①  trace
②  trail
③  track
④  touch
【单选题】 He has been writing the essay the whole morning and he still ___ .
①  has been
②  does
③  has
④  is
【单选题】 The disappearance of her paper has never been _____.
①  counted for
②  looked up
③  accounted for
④  checked up
【单选题】 He has been to Beijing . So [填空] I.
①  have
②  does
③  do
④  did
【单选题】 There has been snow today in ( ) parts of the country.
①  various
②  varied
③  varying
④  variable
【单选题】 The new technology has been ( ) in the industrial production.
①  utilized
②  possessed
③  elevated
④  focused
【单选题】 Tom has been a vegetarian ____ principle for years.
①  in
②  on
③  for
④  by
【判断题】 He has been in china for three years.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 因某种情况不能上班、上学或参加活动,需要向相关负责人写留言条。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 介绍自己时,巧报姓名可以给人留下深刻的印象。( )
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 感谢信只适用于私人交往。( )
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 好的慰问信应该富于感染力,使被慰问者从中得到慰藉与鼓励。( )
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 朗读时一般短句中的主语部分常重读;句子修饰成分较多时,通常优先重读定语、状语、补语等成分。( )
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 申请书的称谓应写在标题的下一行,顶格写,后边加句号。()
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 复述寓言、成语故事。从内容简单、生动有趣的寓言故事、成语故事等入手,侧重分析整个事件的几个步骤,逐渐由易到难,养成分步骤思维的好习惯( )
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 下列词语中,根据拼音填写的汉字有错的一组是( )
①  温xīn (馨) fù盖(覆)坚rèn(韧)奢chǐ(侈)
②  shū松 (疏) 轩yuán(猿)模nǐ(拟)关jiàn(健)
③  diǎn雅(典)真dì(谛)遵xún(循)骨ɡé(骼)
④  障ǎi (碍) zhù造(铸)天lài(籁)lòu(镂)空
【单选题】 一所公立大学要招聘教师,写成的启事属于私人启事( )
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 为了出租房屋,房主写了一则招聘启事招揽房客( )
①  正确
②  错误