制作笔录的要求必须做到( )。

【判断题】 户外广告的内容必须真实合法。()
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 会计人员在审核原始凭证时,发现某原始凭证内容合理,合法,但不够完整,准确,按规定下列处理办法中,正确的是?
①  拒绝办理
②  及时办理
③  交给上级
④  予以退回,要求补办手续
【多选题】 出纳工作交接时,交接人对移交的内容承担完整、完好、准确的责任。(  )。
①  完整
②  完好
③  准确
④  相关
【单选题】 记存模型要求准确、完整,但不包括()。
①  基骨
②  移行皱襞
③  腭穹隆
④  唇系带
⑤  颊黏膜
【多选题】 消息标题制作中要求“概括准确”,具体包括?
①  突出精华
②  题文一致
③  避免歧义
④  态度鲜明
【单选题】 信息的收集工作必须把握信息( ),做到收集及时、准确。
①  系统
②  流程
③  渠道
④  来源
【单选题】 用户的电子邮件地址必须包括下列哪些内容才算完整________.
①  口令,入网服务商主机域名
②  用户名,口令
③  用户名,入网服务商主机域名
④  用户名,口令,入网服务商主机域名
【简答题】 要求设计并制作一个表达某个主题的网站,通过网站的制作,综合运用本课程各单元所学的知识。网站的内容不能是一些素材如图片、音乐等的堆积,必须有鲜明的主题。自己确定一个主题,整个网站要突出主题,信息分类合理,导航清晰。要求必须有自己创作的内容,这些原创内容可以是文字、图片、动画等,至少5个页面。
【多选题】 常见的创业计划格式包括如下内容:( )。   
①  封面
②  扉页
③  目录
④  内容
⑤  附录
【单选题】 如实反映企业的财务状况和经营成果,做到内容真实、数据准确、资料可靠的信息质量特征是?
①  客观性
②  相关性
③  可理解性
④  可比性
【单选题】 The manager said that there were two reasons______ our sales dropped sharply last year.
①  because
②  since
③  why
④  while
【单选题】 Henry’ s actually ______ of telling lies, pretending to be sick when he s heathy.
①  capable
②  spontaneous
③  competent
④  expert
【单选题】 Mr. Brown had hardly said a word since supper,___ had his wife.
①  either
②  or
③  nor
④  So
【单选题】 Mary hopes to be ___ from hospital next week.
①  dismissed
②  discharged
③  expelled
④  resigned
【单选题】 _______ the look on his face, he doesn’t t quite understand what the speaker is saying.
①  Judge by
②  Judging by
③  To judge by
④  To be judged by
【单选题】 It is reported that a (n)________ of accidents has occurred at that crossroads.
①  series
②  lot
③  number
④  amount
【单选题】 The popularity of the film shows that the reviewers’ fears were completely _____.
①  unjustified
②  unjust
③  misguided
④  unaccepted
【单选题】 They had a/an ____ agreement not to raise the touchy subject.
①  obvious
②  complacent
③  implicit
④  explicit
【单选题】 Life is often compared ______ a stage by many writers.
①  like
②  as
③  with
④  to
【单选题】 The workers in the factory stopped working in_____ against their foreman using bad language.
①  protest
②  threat
③  conflict
④  criticism