Keep a __________attitude and good things will happen.
【单选题】 Televisions enable us to see things happen almost at the exact moment _____.
①  which they are happening
②  they are happening
③  which they happen
④  they have happened
【单选题】 Televisions enable us to see things happen almost at the exact moment _____.
①  which they are happening
②  they are happening
③  which they happen
④  they have happened
【单选题】 Televisions enable us to see things happen almost at the exact moment ____.
①  which they are happening
②  they are happening
③  which they happen
④  they have happened
【单选题】 _______every week for several hours is good to keep healthy.
①  Exercise
②  To exercise
③  Should exercise
【单选题】 Keep your office space looking good, ( ) your desk.
①  particular
②  especial
③  particularly
④  partial
【单选题】 A balanced diet is ______ as a quick and effective way to keep in good health.
①  consider
②  considers
③  considered
④  considering
【单选题】 We are ( ) shock at the realization that nothing good can happen at work while we obsess about particles.
①  in
②  on
③  of
④  from
【单选题】 A well written composition ____ good choice of words and clear organization among other things.
①  calls for
②  calls on
③  calls up
④  calls off
【单选题】 A well written composition _____ good choice of words and clear organization among other things.
①  calls for
②  calls on
③  calls up
④  calls off
【单选题】 In Gloria was tall and slender. the writers attitude is [].
①  positive
②  negative
【多选题】 影响小学儿童身体发展的后天因素主要是( )。
①  营养
②  睡眠
③  适量的运动
④  遗传
【单选题】 儿童认知发展阶段论是著名心理学家( )提出的。
①  皮亚杰
②  布鲁纳
③  桑代克
④  奥苏贝尔
【判断题】 “男孩比女孩数学能力更强”,这一说法有科学依据。( )
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 成熟指个体的某些心理机能和心理过程在内部的后天原因影响下发生的变化。( )
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 情感有较为明显的冲动性和外部表现。( )
①  正确
②  错误
【多选题】 皮亚杰的认知发展阶段理论是以( )为其特征的。
①  不变顺序
②  可变顺序
③  基础结构
④  连续整合
【多选题】 小学儿童教育心理学研究应遵循的基本原则包括( )。
①  客观性原则
②  系统性原则
③  理论联系实际的原则
④  定量与定性研究相结合的原则
【多选题】 强调外界环境对学习起决定作用的学习理论有( )。
①  人本主义理论
②  经典条件反射理论
③  操作性条件反射理论
④  有意义接受学习理论
【单选题】 练习律、效果律、准备律是( )提出的学习规律。
①  社会学习理论
②  认知发现论
③  联结论
④  认知同化论
【单选题】 当个体处于不明情境中时,倾向于仔细考虑所观察到的现象及所面临的问题,在行动前致力于把问题考虑清楚的认知方式是( )。
①  场独立型
②  冲动型
③  慎思型
④  抽象型